Assalamualaikum (peace be upon you), Codeforces people 👋.
I'm glad to invite you to the mashup OMORI CONTEST which will be held inshallah on Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 19:30 (GMT+3).
You will be given 3.5 hours (210 minutes) to solve 7 cool problems in an ICPC-styled contest, themed about the videogame OMORI (Which is a great game that you might want to give a try). There will be exactly one interactive problem, so I suggest you should read the guide for interactive problems.
All problems have been written and prepared by me, Hexagons.
I would like to give a lot of thanks to:
MikeMirzayanov for the great codeforces and polygon systems 👍, without them I wouldn't be able to make the contest.
ismailfateen, 3mara, Mr.Pie, AhmedOsamaEzz, ahmedfouadnew, AbdelmagedNour for valuable testing and feedback, they made sure the problems were good enough and the test cases were strong 👏.
ismailfateen again, for helping me in preparing an interactor on polygon, without him there would be no interactive problem 😅.
OMOCAT, for creating OMORI ⭐.
yahia, for letting me play OMORI on his laptop 💚.
All my friends who supported me while making this contest 💓.
You for joining this contest 😊.
Good luck to all participants!
I Hope you enjoy the contest and have fun solving the problems 😊.
Update 1: Contest has been postponed to Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 19:30 (GMT+3).
Update 2: Registration has started!
Update 3: Editorial is out!
Update 4: Congratulations to the winners and first-solvers! 🥳 🥳
Honourable mentions: is-this-dp, line.
First solvers
A. SUNNY: phsads
B. AUBREY: Anonymous_Noob
D. KEL: Adam.Aly
E. MARI: TAhmed33
F. BASIL: line
G. OMORI: ho-oh
Update 5: Contest has been added as a gym.
As a tester, I can confirm the problems are high quality and I recommend everyone to participate!
maybe play omori so that you'll get it
If i played omori will I be a master?
Will it be rated?
As a tester, stairs! <3
im getting ptsd
what does held inshallah mean? how is it different from just being held?
Edit: nvm I looked it up. It is smart that you put that there. You never want to jinx yourself, cuz anything can really happen at any time.
Finally an Omori Contest XD, I am too interested to read the problem statements xD.
as a tester I can comfortably say that this is truly one of the contests of all time <3
Upvote done. Waiting for the contest XD
I must register myself immediately
Excited for joining the contest. I hope there is a variety in the problems and even more importantly a good story :)
Important notice: There was a slight misunderstanding, contest has been postponed by one day to OCT 17.
Hexagons Detected , Invitation Accepted .
Can’t wait
can I participate with the computer in whitespace, Sunny probably won't be awake at that time
Ofcourse you can but if sunny isn't awake then be careful omori is in the whitespace and if he sees you using his computer you might get stabbed!
Why didn't you enter the contest into the actual contest queue, and hold an official contest? Not saying you should've done that, I'm just wondering.
I heard that contests stay for like two years or something on this queue till it gets either accepted or rejected. I don't want to hold an "official" contest, I just want to make a good contest themed about the theme I want, with good problem ideas I proposed, and people enter my contest and give feedback. Just that.
Plus, the style of the problems is not really fitting for a casual codeforces round.
I see, makes sense. I'm looking forward to participating :D
AlperenT will this be your return to CP?
I am happy to see Omori, Aubrey, Kel, Hero, Mary and Basil in the same contest, it will be a very nice and beautiful contest for sure. Good luck!
if i don't solve aubrey
Well Well Well
im sorry aubrey i have failed you :(

So excited:)
The boys are now grown-up men, Mashallah
Should I play OMORI before the contest?
You should play it regardless
Sorry pal, but videogames are for children
Glad to have introduced you to OMORI
As a tester, I now want to try OMORI even more! I hope I would enjoy OMORI as much as I enjoyed the contest.
As a tester, [Insert a good tester comment here]
Hexagons does it increase once IQ?
three days left
two days left
One day left
Zero Days Left
♩ ♫ ♪ 𝓹 𝓵 𝓪 𝔂 ♩ ♫ ♪
I may have just realized i would have to stay up till 3am if i do this
worth it (i think i also got really close to solving B)
To be honest, I enjoyed reading all these comments. Everyone is so passionate about this game, talking positively about it. Looks like we are gonna have a very exciting contest.
The contest was super fun and I liked the drawings ;) Thank you for doing the contest Hexagons !!
got rank 23 !!
Thanks <3
I didn't really like B and F since they feel kind of standard (and I also could not implement rerooting correctly LOL), but the other problems were nice.
Thanks for the problems! Omori is a great game.