RahilGupta's blog

By RahilGupta, 3 months ago, In English

Hi! I was trying this problem In this problem E-decode of round 962 (1996E - Декодирование) , when I was using a long long type "variable sum" while going from left to right (297131526) it was giving wrong answer on test case 6. But when I switched to an "suffix array sums" (297132422) it is Accepted, even though both sums array and variable sum are equivalent. I cannot understand this and I know I might be missing something silly and, but still any help is highly appreciated. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!

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3 months ago, # |
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3 months ago, # |
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you have to initialize the value for accumulate function as $$$0ll$$$ not $$$0$$$ (to consider it as long long), I changed it in the first code and it got accepted 297136677

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    3 months ago, # ^ |
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    Thank You very much, will have to keep small things in check next time. But again thank you very much.