nigwuc1's blog

By nigwuc1, history, 2 months ago, In English

The second contest of the 2024-2025 USACO season will run from January 24th to January 27th. Good luck to everyone! Please wait until the contest is over for everyone before discussing anything contest-related (including but not limited to your scores or anything about the problems).

There are some new rules regarding the gold division of USACO, please refer to the website regarding the updates, especially if you are trying to promote into platinum.

For those unfamiliar with the USACO contest format, please refer to the contest instructions and rules. We provide a short FAQ but folks should read all the rules carefully.

I have a question about the contest. Where do I ask it?

Email the contest director via the instructions above. Do not post anything publicly about the questions (including but not limited to your scores, how you felt about the problems, any content of the problems, etc) until after the contest is over for everyone. Do not DM me or anyone else affiliated with USACO, only the contest director can assist you. The contest director does not monitor Codeforces, this blog post is merely a courtesy to inform other people of the contest.

When can I enter the contest?

For bronze and silver, the contest will open on December 13th. For gold and platinum, the contest opens at 12pm ET on Saturday, and you must start the contest between 12pm and 12:15pm ET on Saturday to get a certified score.

If I submit multiple programs, which one gets evaluated?

Only the last submission will be evaluated for official scoring purposes.

Can I use prewritten code / templates?


Can I use AI tools during the contest including but not limited to ChatGPT and Copilot?


Am I allowed to use outside resources during the contest?

You may only refer to language documentation.

Can I solve problems in Rust?

No, the only languages supported are C, C++, Java, and Python. Consult the instructions for language-specific technical details.

Will Rust support be added?

Probably not. Petition IOI to add Rust support first.

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2 months ago, # |
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can i use gpt o3 in this contest? if not, what messaures are beign done to prevent it!?

  • »
    2 months ago, # ^ |
      Vote: I like it +24 Vote: I do not like it

    You can't use any form of AI or outside access (CF, USACO.Guide, etc.), you can only use your language's documentation. While gpt o3 could possibly solve Bronze/Silver and maybe even Gold, you have to do a certified-promote to get to Platinum and because the amount of people that promote to Platinum isn't that high, they go through all the submissions (or that's what I've been told). They also have a plagiarism detection system.

    Tl;DR -> Plagarism detection system and you won't be able to get to Platinum with gpt o3 as they check all submissions (or that's what I've been told).

2 months ago, # |
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are you the imposter?

2 months ago, # |
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Hi, when will Chongtian Ma stop problemsetting? I need to get out of bronze.