Блог пользователя Adityarawat355

Автор Adityarawat355, история, 2 месяца назад, По-английски

I am doing quite a bit of theme CP and Gitgud these days, and while my performance is mostly around specialist level, I am good at some topics like graphs (rating <= 1700; I can guess the solution in 5-6 min, but implementing is another story), so the topics I am very weak at are constructive and implementation. Even after thinking the solution is silly, mistakes in implementation are taking my too much time during contest, and also constructive breaks my back frequently. How to improve? Shall I really solve topic-wise problems or keep doing random ones? I have been trying for a week, and constructive is demotivating me.

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2 месяца назад, # |
Rev. 6   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

Like for Example this Problem i am currently solving


when i looked at this question i first thought if count of 1 % n should be equal to 0 or ans will be -1 then i thought if i maintain a row wise count of 1 like req — curr count of one ( req = count of 1 / n ) if its — then this row will be donating if its positive then this row will be recieving one , if 0 then we do nothing, i was able to think this in 4-5 min but clueless since then , Now thinking about if i can write a check function using BS but we also have to print operation :(

Does this mean i am not strong enough for 1600 rated construtives shall i start with lower ? i mostly practice on 1500-1700 range on errichto server ? and i am fine until its constructive

Yup pretty much solved the problem i was getting the hint of coloumn wise operation but was not able to finalize it because of not writing it down now one look at editorial and i am the stupidest creature on earth

2 месяца назад, # |
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Sorry for side tracking but I am assuming this to be your alternate account so is your perf in recent contests same as themecp perf or lower/higher and why is that? I am just curious. Hope i am not misleading myself if themecp perf calculations are flawed.

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    2 месяца назад, # ^ |
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    Currently not enough data to provide you but its like — 100 lower pefomance if i am performing like 1500 on themecp then somtimes i max 1400 or my perf will be around 1300 in cf contests