In today's round Codeforces Round 996 (Div. 2), the gap between problem difficulties was hilariously wide, according to clist. The last two problems are rated approximately 3000 and 3500, which clearly means that they are not suitable for participants rated below 2100.
I think this makes the round literally consist of only four problems, where your performance depends mostly on speed. According to Carrot, the performance of the second-place participant was LGM, who solved four problems. There are also participants who solved four problems and achieved a CM-level performance, which is very weird.
I am not complaining only about today's contest, but it serves as a great example of the unbalanced difficulty seen in recent contests. This imbalance particularly affects CPers rated between 1600 — 2100, who do not have the opportunity for rated contests except for div 2 contests, making us have fewer opportunities to achieve a positive delta, as luck starts to play a significant role in determining our rating.
It's honestly not very obvious to me why so few people have solved problem E. I'm not saying this is a simple task, I haven't solved it either (I really don't like this kind of task), but judging by the analysis, this is a common task a little more complicated than d2E, definitely not deserving of the complexity of 3000
Let us neglect the 3000, it is still complicated for a < 2100 participant
Also, note that the only one who solved it in div2 was a grandmaster. XD
yep, I agree it is hard even for some 2100+ guys, but still solvable. Also I would like to have more 2300+ tasks in div2s, rather then 2700+. But challenging tasks create strong programmers)
Wow, only GM solved this? This is really strange)
GPT era
I am still puzzled about the difficulty of D. I could't find out a complete correct sol during the contest with thinking the situation is too complicated. Maybe I am so bad at greedy. How could so much people solve this problem? Could anyone introduce some similar greedy problems?
Tbf I think that the editorial solutions are usually hard to follow as they keep optimizing the solution so it is shorter and faster to consume for people up-solving. I thought in a much simpler way and was able to solve the question, take a look at my submission (I added some comments for clarity):
It seems that it is a simple and good sol that is suitable for contest. The editorial need to talk about why their sol is completely right in all situations, so it always seems to be much harder. I have to say that clearly making sure your sol is always correct may be not easy, but that's greedy. I could't control my mind to think the proof of my sol during the contest. Without that, I even don't dare to come up with a full sol because I get confused and stop at some points. Maybe that's not a really suitable method for greedy problems during the contest.:(
Oh boy, what if I tell you that half of questions A I am not even sure if my solution is right until I get AC. I think a better approach is to have faith:
Think of some solution and try to hack it (that is, find a counter example). If you can't find a counter example to a solution, chances are that solution is right (remember, codeforces questions are meant to be solved. Unless you are doing a really hard question, the solution shouldn't be too difficult).
Such approach devalues cp
The thing is, one does not have time to prove every question they do and still perform well on a contest. Think about it: in math competitions you have like 3-5 questions per day for 4/5 hrs a day (depends a lot on the competition, but on average one rarely has less than 1hr per question). In competitive programming you have 6/7 questions in 2hrs. Even though the questions might be easier in some sense (I personally believe programming competitions are fairly harder than math competitions), one just simply does not have enough time to come up with a proof of everything they do. Additionally, codeforces has a lot of adhoc problems compared to ICPC competitions, making it even more difficult to formalize some questions.i was giving advice for someone who wants to do well in contests, not someone who want to become a better programmer
Yeah, apparently doing contests for contests is a thing now
Doing contests for rating + training for ICPC (which is also doing contests for a contest if you think about it)
ICPC is one of the few things that connect cp to the real world while cf contests give you nothing. Not entirely sure, but (I guess that) the original idea of why cp became so popular on job market is the cpers ability to find solutions to uncommon problems fastly and effiecently. I think, it is the trait that cpers should actually improve while practising. Now, solution without a proof is not a solution. The only thing that "guessing aprroach" allows you to get is a better rank at contests. So it just happens that you are participating in contests only to become better at writing contests which has no application irl. Which kind of looks like a bubble now. This is where devaluing is coming from(the one that I've been talking about).
I agree with you: doing contests solely to get better at contests does not translate to real life applications. That said, I don't think this is bad in itself. One could also use this argument to say playing competitive video games is bad. If you does competitive programming as a hobby, then what is the problem? Also, after some point (maybe the equivalent of mid expert) I think competitive programming becomes practically useless at the work place. I have never (and probably never will) written a single Segment Tree, neither done SQRT optimization or done a Mobius inversion at my work. Most CP problems have really low correlation to what appears at work, so one would better off just doing leet code (even that one has low correlation to work). I think the big point of competitive programming, specially at higher levels, is to enjoy solving difficult problems and improving logical reasoning.
Lastly, excluding some very hard to proof problems, most "guessforces" is more like "I am pretty confident this proof to the problem is correct, but I won't expend time formalizing it" instead of "completely guessing, coding literal first idea that comes to one mind". Unless you have a weak math background I don't think it would be hard to formalize a question you "guessforced".
"who do not have the opportunity for rated contests except for div 2 contests, making us have fewer opportunities to achieve a positive delta".
It's another one of these:
Whenever I bring up this topic, the usual claim is that these problems are too standard for higher divisions. But in my opinion, if a problem is too standard to appear in a higher division, it shouldn't appear in ANY division at all and should only be made as a non-contest problem. I don't really get why these problems are considered to be okay if they are in low enough division so that they aren't solvable for almost anyone in the division. To be honest, I feel that the standard for this standardness is in general too high, but that's for another discussion.
Even if we keep the current trend of having unsolvable-for-official-participants problems, they should at least not be counted when we construct a problemset. I think every problem that fits a division should at least have a nontrivial chance to be solvable by the official participants, and these participants shouldn't only be someone whose actual skill level is something like GM but has low rating just because of too few contest participation or something. I think at least 5 problems should be feasible for some good number of CMs, and even for some Experts, considering that Div. 2 was originally meant to be targeted to up to Experts. Otherwise, we will only be able to keep having these huge difficulty gaps between problems, causing huge performance difference between fast $$$X$$$ solves and slow $$$X$$$ solves for every $$$X$$$.
I also think we shouldn't be afraid of having too many AKs, if that 'too many' is something like 50. It's still only a very small proportion of the participants (even within CMs alone), and most of them would only have solved them in the very last 15 minutes. Almost no official participant "wasted" more than 15 minutes.
Maybe it's good to raise the upper bound of the rating distribution up to ~2399, as most div2Fs are unsolveable for <2100 contestant(at least for me) (:з」∠)
it's just one kind of div2—fewer problems but more difficulties, which is foreseen if u read the score distribution carefully on the announcement.
every contest is speedforces as umnik wrote somewhere. it just so happened that it was 4 questions speedforces instead of 5-6 for this one.
F too hard. Two hours ending with 6 penaltys without knowing why. I'm so stupid.