hudea.victor's blog

By hudea.victor, history, 6 weeks ago, In English

Div 4. 11-12

Div 3. 12-13

Div 2. Educational 12-14

Div 2. 13-14

Div 1. + Div 2. 14-16

Div 1. 16-18

Disclamer : This is just my personalopinion i may be wrong and this is only for middle schoolers and high schoolers not for adults

  • Vote: I like it
  • -22
  • Vote: I do not like it

6 weeks ago, # |
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Auto comment: topic has been updated by hudea.victor (previous revision, new revision, compare).

5 weeks ago, # |
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why did you dislikde sio much if you have ideas just say in the coments

4 weeks ago, # |
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what if i'm a 40 year old using Codeforces?