I have depression. I'm 24, and for the past seven years, I haven't wanted to live. I'm trying to fight it somehow — traveling, picking up new hobbies, improving in old ones. I went through therapies and medications. But it doesn’t help. Nothing brings me joy.
My main account is red. In real life, I try to be cheerful, and only a few of my friends know about my depression, so I don’t want to write from that account. I have a good job, I have friends. From the outside, many would say I have a good life. Honestly, if I knew about someone else’s life with these characteristics but didn’t know about their depression, I would be envious myself.
So… I don’t think posting this will help, but I thought — what if writing here does something? After all, competitive programming is one of the main things in my life, so why not? Maybe this post won’t go unnoticed, and someone will share a similar story, ask me something, or give advice.
Thank you.
P.S. I'm not sure if this email is working, but if you want to send me something directly, you can give it a try: [email protected]. If I don't respond for a long time, you can also try direct messaging me here, on CF (but better try emailing first because of codeforces messaging limits).
Believe me, we have a similar story. When I joined IIT Guwahati I was depressed because I was unable to get a better college. I worked really hard for the past 3 years but still ended up in Guwahati. But in the next 4 years, I learned many things, made many friends joined the coding community, and also got a good job. I feel bad for people who tend to lose their fight against depression. I like to cheer them up and help them. Because I was only 17 when I caught up with depression. I stopped talking to my parents or anyone else but slowly time healed me. Now I don't regret getting into Guwahati. God always has a plan for you. Sometimes u should just stop fighting and let it go.
Maybe we can go through and help you out.
Can we please connect? We can be good friends. We can chat constantly and you can guide me on how to improve my rating in codeforces. We can be good friends, and meanwhile, it might bring u out of depression. Please feel free to dm me ur WhatsApp number or send it to my Gmail. [email protected]
Thanks for the suggestion. I think all the advice I could give has already been written all over the internet. But you can try reaching out to me at [email protected].
Yes, I know I'm not the only one like this. Although, to be honest, doctors have told me way too often smth like "this pill helps 70% of people" — and when it didn’t work, I became more and more convinced that my case was somehow special.
After 1.5 years of hard work, I ended up at NIT Rourkela with a Mechanical branch. I am in my pre-final year and still haven't received any interview calls. However, I still believe that everything will turn out well in the end. it is just a matter of time.
I also hope that everything will work out well.
My problem is psychological, so I guess comparing them doesn’t make much sense.
Same here bro . Humare yaha abhi oncampus Nvidia aayi hai but my branch is not allowed :/
Your hardwork is top notch keep going.
I hope.
No matter how bad your life gets, just know that Hell is much worse. Anyway, why don't you try to do $$$1$$$ new thing each day? They can be small things; it doesn't matter. After a week, you will be proud of the $$$7$$$ new things you did.
I don't believe in hell. Anyway, I don't have thoughts about ending my life (not because I don't what to, rather because I've already thought them all through)
I've tried doing many different new things. I don't feel any better after that.
Are you exercising enough? Personally, I've found that it is hard to have a bad day if you're going outside for at least $$$1$$$ hour/day minimum. Of course, if someone you know dies or your car's gas tank lights on fire, it is hard not to have a bad day, but going outside works in $$$99$$$% of cases. And don't just go out when it is dark out. The sunlight is important.
Also, it is very nice to just drive around sometimes. Think about it: can you remember a time when you were depressed while driving?
And also, just one more thing, it could be worth checking with a doctor if you are deficient in anything.
Not right now, but there were periods when I went to the gym two or three times a week for several months. It didn’t help — it was just frustrating.
I try to go for walks sometimes. But it's more out of desperation than because it actually helps.
Yeah, I’ve done several tests—the ones the doctors requested. Everything seems to be normal.
I'm assuming that the gym you went to is an inside gym. I think that the sun and the outside air are really important to whatever causes people to be happy. Running inside on a treadmill is just not the same as running outside under the sun. And imo, it is running and vigorous cardio (swimming, biking, hiking, rock climbing) that really help with depression, not weight lifting. Walking is okay, but it is not vigorous. Don't do biking, though, because no one likes those guys.
Basically, what I'm saying is that I think you should do some vigorous exercise for at least $$$30$$$ minutes $$$every\,\,day$$$, and then spend the other $$$30$$$ mins just walking around outside. Doing it sometimes might not be enough. That is my advice.
Yeah, you’re right — it was an indoor gym.
Physical activity has always irritated me. Somehow, I ended up with a bias that mental work is good, while physical work is bad.
I feel like running outside would be even worse for me than running on a treadmill at the gym. Don't know why exactly though.
But I'll think about what you said anyway. Thanks!
what on earth red coder have depression? I actually have a depression that no matter how hard I try I'll never become red coder. you are smart man bro don't be depressed
Actually, I think that being 'smart' in some way is what causes my depression. Fighting depression, as I see it, is often about self-deception — and it's not so easy to deceive a smart opponent.
Regarding hard efforts — yeah, I suppose some people find it easier, while others struggle more. I think that if you enjoy it, then it doesn’t really matter how fast you grow.
Don't know if it helps man, but emotions and so forth and more related towards perception than intelligence, and so what I've (personal experience and observations, I don't have any scientific to back this up) noticed is that smart people are usually just better at convincing themselves of their perception of the environment.
Maybe. I don't know exactly what to call it.
I understand you. And you have really got nice tries. And you really get much bravery to write it out. Developing new hobbies are good ways, but you should think of something that you love from heart. CP must be one. Find something you love just like CP. I recommend reading, especially psychology. Maybe you can cure yourself.
And you can seek help from psychology experts.
Hope you will something you love.
It doesn’t take much bravery to write this anonymously. Moreover, I have a bit of paranoia that someone might try to track me down. It feels like a pointless fear — I don’t know who would need to do that or why. But I don’t think 'bravery' is the right word for it.
I've tried many different things. There are some that don’t irritate me, like CP and several others. I try to do them more often, but even if I spend the whole day on such activities, I don’t feel like it was a good day.
I did not mean there may be someone who want to track you down. Nobody will do that. I appreciate speaking it out ,no matter online or offline.
No, don't think that I was accusing you of anything. I appreciate that you see me as brave. I just don’t agree, but it’s not really important right now.
Maybe you can just live with depression. It's not scary really. My friend said it's just like cold. A few friends of mine has depression too. Living with it will not do something bad and it reflects your characteristics.
I'm living with it now — I don't have a choice. I don't want to describe the worst aspects of my depression, but I think just living with it is difficult enough.
It doesn't matter if you're anonymous or if you're still scared. Asking for help is always brave and it's an important thing to do in such situations
Maybe. I don't know.
why do you view it as self deception? as long as that occurs, your attempts to fight it will feel fake to yourself.
Maybe 'self-deception' isn’t the best word. What I mean is this: when a problem arises based on certain facts, it gets fixed in my mind, and it’s hard to convince myself that the problem doesn’t exist without actually changing those facts.
In my case, nothing brings me pleasure, and that makes me feel constantly bad. So, I can’t really improve my mood until I find at least something that makes me happy.
are you interested in reading? if yes then i would say do read some philosophers like jiddu krishnamurthy,harman hesse etc . dont worry it is not about religion it is about understanding life, the mind, the body i feel it would help if you're interested i can suggest some good books.
Noted. Thanks.
Although I guess I already have enough philosophy inside myself.
in that case read a book named siddhartha by hermann hesse do read it. it is by one of the best writer in the world ig can help it is your decision now to read or not but i can say that whenever i dont get any hope i read book or do exercise like cycling and all. but the solution of your problem will come from within that is why i strongly suggest that do read it is the only way in my understanding and do read meaningful literature. i believe it will help to find the cause.
OK. Thanks.
What does "Don't be depressed" even mean? If he knew how, would he write a blog asking for advice?
Being smart doesn't automatically make you live the ideal life. And no one is too old/smart/anything to face any kind of problem or difficulty (I'm not talking about mental health only)
I don't think that was a serious piece of advice. I guess he tried to be supportive.
I'm not sure why he said that, but this kind of things are said all the time, not necessarily with bad intentions, and well... they shouldn't. A lot of people might think they shouldn't feel the way they feel because "others have it worse" etc, and that can only make things worse
I didn't mean to sound aggressive before, I just wanted to make a point
This is the advice I once got from my very good friend. If you feel like you don't know how to get over your feelings, I strongly encourage you to see therapist. I used to have strong prejudice against them, seeing myself as superior in intelligence and not seeking advice about myself from other people. But I am sure that this should help you, as long as you find a good therapist. I really hope you try this out, you are not alone in this.
I went through therapies and medications. Maybe I just haven't found the right therapist. But I haven’t noticed any positive effects. Over roughly 50 sessions, I might have learned 2-3 theories about what could explain my illness, but I didn’t receive any effective advice on how to actually fix it.
What medications did u try? Do u still take something?
I don’t think that publishing a list of medications would lead to anything good. Right now, I’m taking one antidepressant that slightly reduces the amount of time I spend lying in bed wanting to cry. I also try new medications from time to time, though forcing myself to go to the doctor is getting harder and harder.
Why you have depression?
If I knew exact reason, I might have beaten it by now.
Not exactly but can you tell possiblities?
I’m not really sure what you want to hear.
Physically, it’s probably something like neural connections or hormones in my brain not working the way they should, which makes me feel no pleasure or desire to live.
Psychologically, it’s hard to say — maybe some biases I was raised with by my parents, maybe some unsuccessful relationships.
As you also said in previous comment that if you knew the reason you might have beaten it.So according to me trying any thing is just like a patient is suffering from some unknown disease and just randomly try medicines and hoping that it may cure the disease.So just try to find the cause, what's the reason why are you depressed?
I don't think there is any physical issue since you are suffering from 7 years, So psychologically tell why are you sad?
I don't know. Nothing brings me joy. I don’t know how to understand the cause any better.
one and only solution for depression is love .your heart should beat for someone. then u will realize that your life is not only important for u, it is important for them too...tons of love from india
There was a time when I thought love was the solution to my problems. I tried searching, spent several years looking, but never found anyone. It's hard to find someone I like (as a partner) who also likes me (as a partner) back.
Simple solution:
Find a purpose in life and start working tirelessly towards it. You'll end up in a situation where you won't have time for overthinking.
I might not be the best person to give lecture on fighting depression because I probably was never into it. I'm 22 and kind of a confident guy who thinks he's is best and can achieve anything. Lost my father few years back and gone through series of failures (more like having high expectations with less work input). But what basically keeps me moving is my purpose which I assume is noble and big.
My goal, like most people’s, is to be happy. But I don’t see a way to achieve it.
Family can help alot.
There are some difficulties with that... But OK.
I don't know much, but whenever I feel depressed, good music always helps me. Maybe there is something for you too. Actually, in this cruel world, just living also needs courage. Not everybody can make it till the end. But I think you're doing a great job.
Music is really a great thing. At first, it helped me a lot. It still helps a little even now.
Problem is — it helps distract from life, but it doesn’t help find joy in it.
Isn't being constantly distracted is what one wants in life? So that you don't have enough time to live in your own head. What do you mean by joy , there's no perfect definition of joy , the small moments you have with random things in life is joy , I'm sure that this joy isnt satisfactory but by slight altercations in your thought process it "might" get better
No, distraction is not what I want. I want joy, I want to want to live. I just want to be happy in the end.
Depression is one's hopelessness due to their incomplete expectations in life. So if you always make expectation in life similar to one that was incomplete then you will think of it often and feel depressed. But if u have some different expectations than one that failed then you escapes that reminder. Its all about u whose illogical expectations is the reason of depression.Once you Feel your expectations cant be fullfilled then its physical and mental pain just appears in some way. Depression is 2nd stage of incomplete and impossible desires
There's some truth to that, of course. Maybe that's how it all started. But I don't think that in the past few years I've been doing anything that doesn't meet my expectations.
Question yourself: Why do I do what I do? What do I truly want? To feel content with oneself, one ought to hold dear a sense of purpose. As you said, your work, the cheerful facade that you put over yourself, and your traveling and picking up new hobbies may be what your environment and society expect from you, but not your own wishes and wants. When you have a persona that's too different from who you are and what you really feel inside, those two sides of you start to develop a disconnection. You probably couldn't realize it, as it's not often a palpable enough feeling — but the scariest part is that it builds up slowly, but surely. And before you know it, the discrepancy's so strong that nothing gives joy to the person inside you. Many pieces of advice on the internet may make sense, but it's hard to stumble upon just the right advice amongst millions of them.
And again: What do I truly want? Why do I do what I do? Even if it's just a glimmer of it, there always lies hope within purpose. As long as you hold onto that feeling dear, at the very least, you'll have hope. Take a look around you, above you, beneath you, and inside you. It might be something so seemingly subtle that you simply had glossed over it long before. Right now, I made my purpose to find my purpose — I'm still trying to find my purpose, too. Even though I'm a total beginner when it comes to coding and what I wrote here may not relate to you, as a fellow Codeforces user, I thought I'd leave this here. I wish you all the best!
I do what I do just out of inertia. Because without it, things would probably be even worse — though I’m not really sure.
If there were something that brought me joy and that I could do, I’d be doing it. But I don’t know of anything like that.
If you yourself can't think of anything that gives you joy, I'm in no place to advise you precisely what you should do but tell you to challenge yourself — take on an insurmountable task; the fulfillment during or after the process, mayhaps will give you joy.
no one has any true reason, we are constantly in the pursuit of finding that reason and that's why we continue to live. you will constantly change and so will your friends, that reason will never stay the same, if anything, there probably is no end goal for life, rather it may be an endless loop of life and death. only thing we can do as humans is to take the intellectual curiosity we have been given with pride and strive for reason.
there is too much to discover and think about to ruminate on whether we feel happy or sad doing something that pushes us forward. it is better to move forward than to stagnate at every step in order to decide whether you will feel happy about moving forward or not. Otherwise, you lose out on all the other incredible stuff you could've seen and experienced due to the time wasted on hesitation of your perception.
Sorry, but your words don’t resonate with me. I don't want to live by those principles.
If you have already try so many solutions but still one solution is missing and that is why we as living organisms living in this world and why on earth and what is the real purpose that we have to fulfill and born with and how this cycle of life and death will end so what I am saying is no one has control over their mind and all living beings are living on their senses and the pleasure they find through their senses so why don't you start reading sanskrit scriptures like geeta etc you will definitely find this helpful because I was also like you at some point in my life everything was going well but my mind was completely in reverse direction it thinks lot or I should say mainly overthinking making even smaller problems big enough to give panic attacks
Maybe someday, out of desperation, I'll give it a try.
I think the main problem u have is the goal .... u may be red...but u are may be someone goal less...are u someone who has no goal in life? I mean in the current scenario? I won't give u some piece of advice because advice even never worked for me..that's why still I am grey .... but working for a goal runs me...even though I am not improving for 10 months... I would tell u to think about this.
My goal is to be happy. Yeah, maybe it's so abstract that it might as well not exist. But I can't break it down into simpler goals.
Why do you believe so firmly that you have depression?
Well, my own feelings and the doctor's conclusions? In general, I don’t really care what this state is called. Is there any alternative explanation?
I'd suggest that you just try to forget about the doctor's conclusion, believe that there's nothing wrong with you, and just continue your life as normal as you can. Do not be troubled by something if you find that you are not getting joy doing it. Overall, just do what you think you should be doing at your age. I heard that this is a good cure for many mental disease.
And I'm still curious about your feelings and have some questions. Have you ever experienced joy in your life? Can you still remember how that moment feels if you did?
In childhood, I think random things made me happy. I don’t know — a good movie, a video game. But I don’t remember that time very well.
At the beginning of my depression, relationships brought me joy. I had a few not-so-great relationships, but overall, they made me happy. I kept trying to find a partner afterward, but unsuccessfully. At some point, I started to feel like even if I did find someone, it wouldn’t fix my life. I don’t know if that’s true, but even if a good partner could improve my life, right now, it feels like finding them would be harder than making the first letter of my nickname black.
I have been considering taking anti-depressants for a long time but am scared that they will make me dumber. Have you noticed any significant difference in your cognitive function (processing speed, working memory) when you’re on them as compared to when not? Somehow, I would prefer being depressed and a little bit smarter.
Btw, this might seem like strange advice but I’ve found that reading philosophy helps me. You can try reading Schopenhauer and see if it does anything for you.
Noted. Thanks.
Although I guess I already have enough philosophy inside myself.
I've taken a lot of different medications, and most of them had no effect at all. I don’t know, maybe my depression is somewhat unusual.
I get what you’re saying — there was one thing that did have an effect on my brain, but I wouldn’t say it was very strong effect. Roughly speaking, maybe -100 rating or so.
I wonder if you'd rather be stupid and happy or smart but miserably depressed (not that it has to be that way)
Stupid and happy.
Determine the root cause of your feeling of lack (depression is lack of happiness in my opinion).
Here's how I make it work for myself: Ask what is bugging you. The top 1-2 things that come to your mind instinctively are the most likely candidates. Write them on paper and determine what triggers them. Think of strategies that can help you to fight through them.
Once done with these, discuss this with a person who is very close and trusted by you. Take their feedback, to ensure that you were not getting too blindsided by your problems. Once finalized, tear the piece of paper and free yourself from the pain. Make sure not to over-analyze though.
I hope some part of this helps. Cheers, TD
My main concern is the depression itself — the fact that nothing makes me happy. I can't break this concern down into smaller pieces.
Have you tried meditating? Just few minutes of meditation everyday could change your life.
I've tried something like that, but I didn't notice anything good from it. Though, maybe I was doing it wrong.
quit man
there's no point
I'll quit when the time comes.
the time is now
seriously, what is the point
Just because you don't know the point doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
You may have a good life physically, but your soul might be suffering spiritually. Depression could be a sign that your soul is asking for help. Praying always helps me.
Can't argue with any of your statements.
You are exactly where you were supposed to be and your life is gonna be better , promise Don't worry about anything , this life is temporary , There is no certainity You’ve survived 100% of your worst days so far Even the darkest hour only has 60 minutes Very soon your life is going to turn in your favor
I'd be glad to talk to you on discord .. provide me your username in codeforces DM
Life is temporary — that’s for sure.
I have been for the last 10 years
I wouldn’t wish this state on even my worst enemy. So if that’s true, I sympathize.
Bro, you are 24, have a good job, and red on Codeforces from the main account. I suggest you get married, and get busy with your family. Family can provide you with the best emotional support as far as I think. You share everything with the person you think can understand and support you. And I think that could help you to overcome it.
Yeah, maybe that would help a little. But it’s incredibly hard to find someone I’d love who would love me back. At least for me.
I don’t know if I actually had depression or if I just made it up for myself. But I think it doesn’t come from not caring about life—it’s the opposite, it comes from valuing life too much. You start asking questions that have no answers, which only pushes you deeper into self-destruction. But why even ask yourself these questions? You already know there are no answers. The more you do it, the more destructive it becomes for you. So why not care less? Train yourself to filter your thoughts—observe what you're thinking about and discard the unnecessary ones. This doesn’t happen instantly, but with consistent effort. Kind of like progressive overload. I could keep writing, but I’ve already written too much.
Another piece of advice I found for myself, which also ties into the idea of caring less—do very exhausting sports. It’s absolutely amazing. Not just cardio—push your muscles to the failure. After a workout, you stop giving a fq about life so much that even just sitting and doing nothing feels nice.
Oh, and you should talk to people, be more open and expressive. I’ve noticed that many guys don’t feel complete when they don’t have a girlfriend. But why is that? Maybe it’s because they act like the "tough guy," cool and without any internal struggles. And all of that builds up, making a girlfriend the only "pillow" to cry on.
By the way, this is just my opinion, and I don’t claim it to be the truth.
I have a best friend who has been by my side for all these years, someone I tell everything to, and that’s truly the best thing I have. But when I open up to anyone else, it feels like it only makes our relationship worse.
Anyway, thanks!
Hi, me too, I don't know about your story with therapy, but I know that some people don't give it enough time, I also didn't, but then I said OK nah I have nothing else to do I will just keep going with it, and it actually worked (I am still in the process tho).
The thing is it takes time, and you need to not stop taking medications, actually, I think what worked was just taking meds, the sessions weren't really that helpful (as I am also a smart guy who can't get affected by therapists' techniques easily if you know what I mean).
For sure, you can change doctors as many times as you need, I tried over 10.
My overall advice is from my experience maybe you didn't give therapy enough time? I know it's tiring and boring but if it works then believe me it is worth it, life is so simple and so good man, you will see.
I went to one doctor for over 30 sessions (once a week), and it didn’t have any effect. I also took each medication for at least two or three months, and most of them had no effect either. So, I don’t know.
Have you tried League of Legends?
joke aside, the thing I think would actually help is to think about the things you always wanted to do as a kid and do that. If you cannot think of any then think about something you knew you should do but always procrastinated because it was boring/scary and do that. Again, if you cannot think of any, I recommend you do something that will give you adrenaline. I remember reading somewhere that adrenaline is antidote for depression.
Regarding your comments about finding a partner or starting a family, I agree that isn't straightforward thing to do as you said, it's hard to find someone you like to like you back. But if there is something you could do to improve those chances you might as well, do it.
For example, trying to improve your physical appearance or the game. That's where gym and psychology come in play. So, I'd recommend also these two things (there's also ton of other benefits of these two, some already mentioned by other comments).
Besides finding a partner one should also strive to find close group of friends and keep social connections as close as possible.
Regarding psychology and friends, I recommend you read books from Dale Carnegie. Louise Hay has also incredible books about self-love and self-heal. If you don't like to read (maybe you should give it a try), there's endless source of great videos on youtube that summarize these books and talk about them. And speaking of youtube, my favorite youtuber for self-help/self-improvement is Andrew Kirby, I can definitely recommend his videos where he talks about stoicism. Stoicism could also help you.
I want you to remember that us humans view things as compared to others, if there was only good you wouldn't feel it. Feeling bad is also important in order to feel good afterwards when things get better, and they will.
You cannot feel joyful all the time and searching for that eternal joy for me is a waste of life, world is a cruel place with lot of bad things, but you can try to enjoy it as much as you can by finding your inner peace and joy inside of your head.
Regarding my joke about League of Legends, I actually recently started playing ARAM again (chill game mode), as some kind of award or snack after some time/days of being productive/working/exercising, and it honestly helped me keep my sanity.
Wish you best of luck in the future, man.
Thanks for the advice.
Maybe eternal happiness really doesn’t exist. But it feels like my problem isn’t the absence of eternal happiness — it's more about the complete lack of happiness. Or even something like happiness.
I do play games, maybe even too much. But like many other things, it’s more of a distraction than something that actually improves my mood.
I probably really should start exercising. But it irritates me, and I have a lot of mental blocks that make it hard. I don’t know how to overcome them yet.
Of course, these are just excuses. My brain is just trying to justify laziness. I tried forcing myself to do it, but I couldn't keep it up for long — maybe two or three months.
Even I am suffering from depression , I am a pupil on m main account , when I joined college I was filled with hope , but at the same depressed for not getting an IIT(a better college) , now I am suffering from schizophrenia and depression , I took therapy and medications as well . I guess time will heal my wounds , the same will happen with you as well
At least, there is still some hope.
Reject modernity. Go to China and join the Shaolin Monks. Seriously though just try to do small enjoyable things, and probably play some sports outdoors. Our existence is pitiful, but we still have to move on because we get only one life, just try to keep doing several things and maybe you'll find something to enjoy. Also glory to our lord vjudge36
The depression you are feeling is quite reasonable because the vast majority of people in the world are depressed. Some of them are faking their happiness, and others have not realized it yet.
Life is suffering! No matter what you achieve or do, you will never be happy for long. Even billionaires are depressed. We are slaves to our bodies and are in a constant rush to make our bodies happy, and almost everything we do in this life is to make our bodies feel happiness. People can do meaningless and even evil things to make that possible. For example, in extreme situations, people have killed their own children for survival, and animals do this often. You see, we do not have much control over this world and our lives. Some of our own thoughts and emotions are not in our control.
We fool ourselves into thinking that life is good, but it is just that life has not yet thrown us into those kinds of situations. Anything can happen to you at any moment. You may get a deadly disease, get in an accident, experience war in your country, face an environmental disaster, be robbed, be betrayed by a friend, never know what your beloved parents and people really think about you, and even discover that your girlfriend, whom you thought was very loyal, cheats on you and you cannot really do much about all of these things!
I assume that people who follow the path of Buddhism or similar practices are not suffering, but I am not quite sure. In my opinion, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to accept this fact and have enough courage to face the challenges life throws at us until we die.
My observations suggest that your point of view is incorrect.
How exactly?
I won’t argue about it. I just believe that you’re wrong. If you need specific counterarguments, ask ChatGPT. I can do it for you:
Life is undeniably full of suffering, uncertainty, and challenges, but it also contains moments of beauty, connection, and meaning. While happiness is fleeting, so is pain — both come and go like waves. True peace may not come from controlling life but from learning to navigate its unpredictability with resilience and purpose. Even in darkness, people find ways to create, love, and inspire, proving that life is more than just survival. Acceptance is important, but so is the courage to seek joy and meaning despite life's hardships.
You see you have to use ChatGPT to answer me. You don't even truly know what you feel! You are just afraid or uncomfortable to accept the reality of life or maybe as I said, you have not experienced kind of situation yet. And I have wrote about multiple aspects of the life that your ChatGPT and you failed to answer.
I think you just got bored. There's no unique cure for boredom, nor a specific reason for its occurrence, so that's fine.
I don't believe that depression is "fine". I don't believe that anyone who truly knows what depression is would consider it "fine".
TL;DR: Care less and joy will come
Well, you're right. It's not that I'm trying to understate your issue; I know how tough life can be, even for people who seem to be "okay" from the outside. However, I want you to know that everything is up to a person's mindset, and the mere belief that there is no joy in life can be harmful.
For example, consider Bob. Bob concluded that he has severe depression, and he can't enjoy life anymore. Of course, Bob doesn't want to live with that, so he tries to find out the solution. He spent hours thinking to find out the reason why he feels this way, but there was nothing to complain about. Not knowing what to do, he started to do the things other people recommended. Although it worked for others, it didn't work for Bob, but Bob is consistent, so he proceeded. By the end of the day, he spent alot of time trying different things and methods to feel the joy he felt once, but it was unachievable, so it strengthened his conviction. His mind was so busy trying to fix his 'issue' that he neglected those little moments that, in Bob's opinion, don't bring that sort/level of joy he's been desperately pursuing. So Bob suffers more...
Don't take that dumb example seriously (and personally lol); I just wanted to show that the idea that you're depressed can cause even more depression. My hot take is — 'maybe to solve a problem you should just forget about it (:confounded:)'. Try to value every little moment you have. Sometimes, those little things may be crucial in your lifelong search for happiness.
I hope that is somewhat helpful.
Yeah, of course. I understand that my depression is one of the reasons (possibly the main one) why I feel bad, and because of that, I keep being depressed. But I don’t know how to break this cycle.
I wouldn't say I am in a similar situation, and I don't think I can understand you completely but recently I've also been feeling hopeless and "depressed". Last time I can remember when I wasn't feeling like this was last summer, when I was hyper focused on reaching blue on codeforces. My entire summer was consumed by that goal, but I remember I was ecstatic the entire time. The reason I am saying this, is that I believe it's purpose and goals that give us happiness and make us feel not depressed. You are red and have friends and a job, but what are you working towards? What is your purpose? What do you strive to become, or what do you want to do? I don't have an answer to these questions myself yet, but I hope that you may do, or that they will atleast help you in some way.
No. I don’t have an answer, except for "getting rid of depression."
Just want to point out that getting LGM doesn't help. I don't have any tips — I don't know how to deal with it myself. My wife (yes, you can have a wife and be depressed) said the following:
All the stupid things people recommend help. Talking to people helps. Doing physical exercises helps. Going outside helps. Getting a better sleeping schedule helps. Getting a hobby helps. But it doesn't help overnight, and nobody can say when will it help. So you have to do it while you are depressed and continue to do it until... one day you are not depressed anymore. But at the moment, it might look hopeless (that's what depression is), and it doesn't make sense to stick to all those things since it looks like they don't help.
Yeah, I also really doubt that getting LGM would help in any way. I’m not really striving for it, to be honest. It’s just that when people start saying, "Set a goal and work towards it", I think about it as a goal that might at least motivate me a little.
I guess I just want to believe that there’s some kind of magic pill that will help me. That if I, for example, find a wife, then I’ll be able to enjoy life. Maybe that’s not even a bad thing — it at least makes me do something, search for that pill or thing. Even if it’s not true.
Well, I still try to do these "stupid things". Hobbies, socializing. Maybe not very successfully, but I try. Except that I struggle with sports — it really annoys me, and I don’t know how to force myself. But we’ll see, maybe I’ll find some kind of sport that works for me.
Thanks anyway.
And... I hope you’ll get through this. I wouldn’t wish this state on anyone.
Do you truly find no joy in anything? What about experiencing something delicious, overcoming hardships (like solving a difficult problem, achieving something challenging, or winning a tough game), or witnessing the beauty of mountains, oceans, and seas while traveling?
You once mentioned recalling joy from your childhood—does remembering those moments bring you any happiness?
Many people have suggested this, but perhaps reading could help shift your perspective. Maybe try exploring the history of the places you visit—it might make seeing them in reality more meaningful and enjoyable.
Sorry for the many questions right away, but I’m just trying to understand how deep this feeling goes. You’ve said you don’t experience any joy at all. Have you considered trying something entirely new? I remember going on a roller coaster for the first time in years, and it brought me genuine joy.
What about appreciating the little things? Going for a walk, feeling the wind, admiring the green trees—just being present in the moment. That also brings up another question: are you able to convince yourself of something or redirect your thoughts when needed?
Yes, I don’t find joy in anything.
It’s hard to describe what I feel when I get an Accepted on a difficult problem. Something good, probably. But, you see, it’s not the kind of feeling that makes me want to live. Even if I felt this way constantly, I still wouldn’t want to live.
I wouldn’t say that memories bring me joy. I spend some time in them, but more often, they just push me deeper into a state where I want to scream, “Why is everything so bad?”
I’ve tried doing something new (I don’t want to say what exactly), but I didn’t notice anything special.
I don’t notice the value in little things either. I don’t know what’s so good about feeling the wind or looking at green trees. Well, I can guess why it might bring joy to others, but it doesn’t bring any to me.
Can I redirect my thoughts? I don’t know. It depends on from where and to where. I guess I can focus on a contest. Sometimes.
You don’t have to answer anything if you don’t want to. Sorry if I’m pushing too much—I just can’t imagine how hard this must be for you. It’s scary to even think about, and I guess I’m just hoping to find something, even the smallest thing, that might help lighten the weight you’re carrying. Sorry again.
I'm really sorry—I can't fully understand what you're going through. I've had moments of deep sadness after tough times, but living in that state all the time must be really hard.
I believe that everything starts in the mind. That idea has helped me in difficult times, though I’ve never gone through something as intense as what you’re describing. I wonder—could there be something from your past, like a childhood dream or an unfinished goal, that still affects you? Maybe it’s not a clear trauma, but rather a belief or expectation that has shaped your life.
The first step, I think, is figuring out why this happened. Did your mood suddenly get worse, or did it happen slowly over time? Do you remember a moment when things changed? Was it caused by a tragic event, a loss, or even a change in how you see the world? Since you used to feel joy, there must have been something that took it away.
I also wonder about other emotions. Do you still feel sadness, nostalgia, or fear? Do you get strong feelings from things like horror movies, abandoned places, or deep thoughts about life and death?
I advise you to participate in community activities :)))
Some things you mentioned in responses here resonate with me, so I decided to share my perspective
I'm 27 now and since the age of 14 I started to have a feeling that my life is purposeless, that everyday life is pointlessly repeated, that the world around is grey, that all the fuzz people do around is actually some kind of isolated bubble not connected to anything, thus it is pointless. I've tried digging deeper into myself to figure out what I actually feel and what I actually want. But everything I was able to "dig" is either the mirror pointing to the source of behaviour or feeling from where it is copied, or the void ensuring that I never actually felt the feeling but was rather mimicing it. I felt that I virtually deconstructed the concept of happiness such that it stopped working for me. Some other constructs also started to uncontrollably fall apart, while I was OK with never feeling envy or jealousy (in fact that was long ago before I was 14), losing other feelings was very worrying and right away dangerous (like ignoring discomfort and pain ruined my teeth).
I've talked to multiple therapists about it and they do not seem to really understand my problem, only offering a solution to consequences rather than to the cause.
Rather than looking for a "magic pill" or an outside solution I decided to look for solution from inside. I discovered that reverse process is also possible: just as you can become unreasonably unconditionally unhappy, you can be unreasonably unconditionally happy. Both mental states are very undesirable. What's more important: I discovered that it can be controlled. Just as deconstruction of a feeling is possible, constructed feelings are also possible and real. I looked at myself as a complicated tool, not necessarily having a task right now, but being able to reconfigure self to any tasks prefered. I feel that just as I learned to talk to people and to be social in the past, I learned to feel joy from arbitrary things again. Like "learned how to human". It felt something similar to going fluent with a language — at some moment every word stops demanding additional mental effort to process it, you just stop noticing it and go with the flow.
That looks like as a serious mind-bending that can lead to unpredictable consequences and I have no idea how it works for the other people. Also it is nowhere close to "final understanding" for myself too, but that's just my perspective I wanted to share.
Regardless of whether you believe in existence of "magic pill" outside solution for your depression or not you should not stop searching for them. Things that you cannot imagine at the moment can exist and can unpredictably change your life very quickly. I believe one happened to me.
Beware of using psychedelics. There is very recent horrifying story about the end of Felix Hill — well-known bright-minded scientist from DeepMind. He left the last note where he described how he had a great life and in search for a better mental health solution irreversibly ruined mental state over a single night.
Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find that life for which you are looking. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man.
There is a book called 'The upward spiral'. I think reading it will help you a lot.
i am going through same thing,messed up jee,ended up in tier-3 college wasted 3 years due to depression because of not getting into iit,i am out of shape,underconfident with no job now ,but i am learning new things trying to reach gm(btw i am blue on cf) ,learning maths , searching for a job,exercising and trying to do better,only 4 months left for my graduation but despite having pressure of getting a job i am tension free of my old life style,i used to j**k on daily basis now i am working on myself maybe in next one year i will change myself,i started reading bhagavad gita which is helping me to stay focus and learning multiple things thats keeping me hook
find a girlfriend :V
why? it's healthy
Read the previous comments.
You are red no need to be depressed just be happy its ez
Several pieces of advice that I hope could help:
Try to communicate and make things clear.......to trusted parties/people, a therapist or anyone (preferably in real life) you can trust is preferred. There has been enough unfortunate instances that happened specifically because everything seems fine (while a bunch of crazy messy shit is going on in the background, apparent to certain people but not to those who could help). It is actually REALLY hard to tell when the shits dumped on someone ISN'T at all okay, much more than one would usually expect.....so try to communicate, find people you can trust and (figuratively) scream out that you're not fine. Real life people is more prefered because for any kind stranger you might find on the web there would be around 20 others who'd try to purposely mess you up for shits and giggles, and when it comes to important matters those risks shouldn't be taken. At all.
Don't get too involved in CP communities. Considering the....demographics and characteristics of a large enough chunk of people here, they...aren't people who would likely lessen your horrible feelings (if not magnify it 30x if the situation is bad enough)
Personal experiences suggests being a little bit "autistic" (in the sense of "being fine with being alone with yourself" and spend a shit ton of time thinking about trivial matters surrounding yourself) helps quite a lot (in making you feel better and lessen the uneasiness, in general)
Depresion is not real. Read this 3 more times evryday, every morning,also i recomend you listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBuIGBCF9jc life changing stuff