Блог пользователя sauron271

Автор sauron271, 6 недель назад, По-английски

Would using LLMs to generate new test cases for a question be considered cheating? Can someone please ask mike about this?

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6 недель назад, # |
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Why some people can't use codeforces as before...

6 недель назад, # |
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U can generate testcase using normal software.And many top rated coders do that I guess.It is clearly legal until unless u use AI to tamper your code.

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    6 недель назад, # ^ |
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    So its not cheating?

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      6 недель назад, # ^ |
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      I don't think generating test cases can be considered cheating. U dont even need AI to do that.There are softwares that generate random numbers of various range and those are available in google.

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        6 недель назад, # ^ |
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        I do think it's cheating. Debugging and writing stress tests is part of solving a problem, and writing a generator that generates random numbers in a specific format is part of that. Unless the input is only a single number, google rng will not be of much use.

        Try to do tasks completely without AI. That way, you'll actually learn something from them!

6 недель назад, # |
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