parsisor's blog

By parsisor, history, 5 weeks ago, In English

Since artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly and more people are starting to use AI to write their code, I believe there should be a system in place to report such users.

Two Perspectives

I hope such a system is developed as soon as possible.

There are two perspectives on the use of AI in competitive programming:

  • Some believe that Codeforces is an educational platform, and that those who cheat in contests are ultimately harming themselves more than others. Therefore, excessively banning such users may not be very beneficial.

  • The other perspective, which I personally agree with, is that due to Codeforces' reputation and widespread use, a user's rating serves as a measure of their skill. If people with little knowledge of competitive programming can achieve high ratings through AI assistance, the validity of the rating system is compromised.

Overall, I believe there should be a way to prove the real skills of those who compete on Codeforces.

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