I wrote about him before. But I don't know why people started downvoting me. If you check his previous contests, he has zero submissions but a positive delta. Also, in his previous submission, he has submitted the same problem's solution in different languages. Someone told me his rating will be gone in a few days but it's still there and he cheated again in the last Div-4. If you go to his submissions for the last contest, you can clearly see he used AI. It's his CF handle: md.reduanur
UPD: Maybe this cheater's group started downvoting again. No problem, keep going, you cheaters.
UPD 2: This guy gets a compilation error, even though he made his way to expert by cheating. I don't know after how many contests this cheater will be banned.
cry Please see this. His account didn't terminate and he was cheating for a long time.
cheaters are even reaching close to CM now, Recently found this dude(https://codeforces.net/profile/Lieutenant-) while going through the ranklist. Bro submitted D in 5 minutes after failing C for 2 times in the most recent div2. In a simple div2 A he got TLE when he just blindly submitted gpt code. Also he submits code in multiple languages for the same question with different approach within a span of a few minutes.
It's sometimes really demotivating for whom are trying honestly.
He is from Karnataka, he has studied in IIT Dharwad
I thought IITians are great why are this PPL cheating and what are they getting from cheating
First of all, he's not from an IIT, he's from an IIIT. Second, most Indian people who pursue a degree in Computer Science are not interested in the subject and do it just for the sake of landing in an average tech job, he's probably cheating in order to get a good rank in Code forces which he can use to enhance his CV... it's a sad sight, I even believe some people from IIT might use these tactics especially considering the fact that they only touch this subject when they get in college. The best way to counter this would be good moderation during the contests without sacrificing the original idea of Code forces contests.
No one is gonna believe this dumbass when he says he is CM. He went from specialist to almost CM in a month. Anyone who has done codeforces will know what he is doing.
Why do you want to know that??
You had not even participated in that round then what's the reason?. I know that this is not your main account..
Anyways, I do not have any info about that.
bro submitted all 9 problems in 30 minutes
Yeah. In another contest he submitted same problem's solution in 3 different languange.
bhai bangladesh e sob thanda hoye geche ekhon ?
Maybe this cheater's group started downvoting again. No problem, keep going, you cheaters.
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Oh no. I'm scared. :'( lmao.
Why are you interested in his rating.
By cheating he can get only rating not the problem solving skills.
I'm interested because of them we are ranking low and getting less positive delta.
Last Div 4 H solution looks very suspicious. High probability of being a cheater.
this cheater is using my college name. but i searched him in my college and programming groups but i couldn't find him. thats why i posted about him. dont know why I'm getting this downvote. Maybe this cheater's works as a group.
lol or mayb bro made 50 alts and downvoted
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Auto comment: topic has been updated by srijon_32 (previous revision, new revision, compare).