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SIDLP's blog

By SIDLP, history, 9 hours ago, In English

This account is an alt. My original account is purple. I'm sorry about this (and I'll never use this alt to compete again). Obviously I don't want my friends know my actual experience (except some really close ones). If someone know it's me, then I'll become a joker.

TL;DR: can I train without a coach and just for fun and reach IM/GM? How?

I'm from Shanghai, the largest city in eastern China. CP around my hometown is really popular. (e.g. Hangzhou and Nanjing) I have a coach (not personal but rather I train with ~100 students of my age.) and take lessons regularly.

Because of some awful experience with my coach (e.g. scolding the problemsetter for his OP tests loudly when I got WA in a contest and disturbing the coach) and some other reasons (some lessons coincide with other events and I rarely attend his classes live but rather watch replays) and that I don't consider participating in IOI as my main goal but rather have fun and increase the ability to solve problems and that some of his students ($$$\geq 2$$$) of the same age of mine is already IM/GM, the coach doesn't consider me as meaningful (obviously *2 I can't look into his mind and this is only an estimate) and refuses giving me harder lessons.

I consider practicing CP without a coach. (Obviously *3 I don't even consider making into the provincial team because of the lack of a coach but rather just practicing for fun.) However, is it possible to reach e.g. IM/GM without the coach?

And how do I train without him?

Or even better, how can I make my coach believe I'm still meaningful to him?

I'll be really thankful if I recieve your advice.

Extra information: In Eastern China, CP has a fully developed training system and about $$$10\%$$$ or higher students can make it to NOI (National finals, full of *3000+ problems and with at least one *3600+ problem (Yeah even the Codeforces difficulty system doesn't work on this)), if they practice CP really hard (Obviously *4 only a small portion of the original people persist and most give up). Their set of problems are different to each other but really effective.

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