- are you my convolution template? i think you can solve my gf problem
- are you a perfect hash function? you hold all the keys to my heart
- you don't have to run tarjan to find out that i feel too-connected to you
- around y ou, I'm a persistent DS — i'll always remember every moment [ok I ran out of non sus ideas around here]
- are you my computer during facebook hacker cup — ur hot
- are you a splay before any zig operations? since imma have to go deep inside of you
- are you a fully binarly lifted tree? i'm ready to jump on top of you
- are you the first iteration of ford fulkerson? i can't wait to push so much flow thru you
I only understood one thing, you are alone this valentine just like me.
and yes Codeforces too ;)
are you a competitive programmer? because AI has made you obsolete for me
best blog ever
are you codeforces contest? because I want to solve your problems
are you a maxflow-mincut problem?
because i fucking hate you
someone else's valentine:1 year — 4 seasons — 0 others — just the two of us. my valentine: Alone — 4 walls — 0 lovers — 2 streams of tears.
are you rand()? cause you are unpredictable
i wish she didn't reject me )-;
You are probably my competitive programming career—because I love you. I’ve always been looking for you, and I finally found you. I’d be nothing without you, but I absolutely hate you. I’ve never spent a night without thinking how bad you are, how small you are, and how miserable you make me.
Sounds rough... Hope things will get better for you
nice dude
If only I had the courage.
bro is scaring away ALL the huzz after this one
i just want to take a moment and propose someone,
hey dijkstra_bull i enjoy solving hard problems for you, will you be willing to make me hard