YumezukiMizuki's blog

By YumezukiMizuki, history, 14 hours ago, In English

Recently I saw many ongoing streams of very strong users such as tourist orz Egor nifeshe aryanc403 and many more. I searched on google about the BlitzCup 2025 but I could not find any information.

I request Mike to make the information more public, I want to know who are participating and what is the current standings and some other stats as who has won by the most margin, etc. I think it would make it better for alot of codeforces users like me to follow this BlitzCUp.


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12 hours ago, # |
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I think it will become public around 8 March.

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    4 hours ago, # ^ |
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    MikeMirzayanov said in announcement that the idea of BlitzCup is to try a different format and create a fun show from the community for the community. However, I think the show will be 1000 times more interesting if the community could follow this cup. Just for now it's more about small competition between the strongest, but not a fun show from the community for the community.

    It is very interesting format like real sports competitions, that is why it is really sad that it is not public very begining

90 minutes ago, # |
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