omsincoconut's blog

By omsincoconut, 4 days ago, In English

I hope everyone enjoyed the tasks, and thank you for participating.

Thank you to the coordinators and testers for suggesting solutions and modifications to the tasks, as I alone wouldn't be able to solve my own tasks or make it to how it is right now. Also thank you to them for dealing with me since July.

Please tell me in the comments if the editorial is written incorrectly or unintelligibly somewhere. I'm not the best at phrasing some things, and would appreciate amendments to the editorial.

2078A - Final Verdict


2078B - Vicious Labyrinth

Hint 1
Hint 2

2077A - Breach of Faith

Hint 1
Hint 2

2078D - Scammy Game Ad

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
Solution 1
Solution 2

2077B - Finding OR Sum

Hint 1
Hint 2

2077C - Binary Subsequence Value Sum

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3

2077D - Maximum Polygon

Hint 1
Hint 2

2077E - Another Folding Strip

Hint 1
Hint 2

2077F - AND x OR

Hint 1
Hint 2

2077G - RGB Walking

Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3

Some ending notes

Rating predictions
A small (?) story of this contest.
About Arcaea and the soundtracks
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39 hours ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +5 Vote: I do not like it

For 1A/2C how does the given solution ensure that the missing number produced satisfies the given constraint of being less than 10^18? Wasn't that also a constraint for the missing number? Am I missing something obvious here?

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    39 hours ago, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

    We see that the right hand side of the equation in the editorial is the sum of $$$n+1$$$ terms which are no greater than $$$1e9$$$, so this can't be larger than somewhere around $$$2e14$$$.

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      39 hours ago, # ^ |
      Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

      Ahh right. I forgot to see the bounds for b_i and just assumed they were from 1 to 1e18. Thank you for the clarification!

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    39 hours ago, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

    Yes, just see that the input value for array b doesn't exceed 1e9, and all the elements in b would be less that 1e9, so with some basic calculations it will give you that the missing value wouldn't exceed around 1e14.

38 hours ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

can someone tell me why this div2 D solution doesnt work , its close but i dont know what is wrong with it

maybe i misread the problem at some point

thank you .

37 hours ago, # |
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can someone please help me understand div2D DP editorial I just do not get it how is it working ?

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    36 hours ago, # ^ |
    Rev. 4   Vote: I like it +1 Vote: I do not like it

    The key idea is that you must decide where to assign your bonus people based not just on the very next gate, but on all the gates that come later. At first, it might seem that looking just one step ahead would work, but that only gets you close—not the full answer as you can see here

    Instead, you need to see the entire future. By processing the multiplication operations from the end (backward), you determine the best multiplier chain available for each lane. In simple terms:

    When you add bonus people at a gate, every multiplication that comes after will boost that bonus.
    By working backward, you figure out the maximum boost (or “suffix multiplier”) each lane can get.
    This future boost tells you how valuable it is to add bonus people at a specific moment, so you can make the best decision right then.

    In short, knowing the full future multiplier effect lets you reliably choose the best lane to assign your bonus people—because once they’re placed, you can’t move them later

    you can check my code here

    where i just compute the greatest multiplying factor using a prefix sum-like approach

    so that i can greedily and reliably decide which lane to insert the bonus people and by having that you can do a normal dynamic programming approach

    i would also encourage you to try all the ideas in your head and see them fail so that you can clear the doubts and understand it perfectly

    Hope this helped :)

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      36 hours ago, # ^ |
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      Thanks a lot

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        26 hours ago, # ^ |
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        your welcome , i just relaized that i didnt actually put the AC submission

        i edited it now

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          23 hours ago, # ^ |
          Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

          Actually,you have went wrong while DP.Let us make DP(i,0/1) be the max contribute if 1bonus person is put on the ith lift/right door.We dp from back to front.While dp(k, ),we can not only cross the same side door,but also another of k+1-th.We should selete max of one of them. my submission

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            23 hours ago, # ^ |
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            At first, I made the same mistake, as can be seen from that comment in the DP.

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            20 hours ago, # ^ |
            Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

            It’s the same idea , and my solution is AC , meaning it’s already right and working

37 hours ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +16 Vote: I do not like it

In problem 1E, I don't think we can prove both $$$l,r$$$ should be in $$$s$$$.

We can only prove $$$l \in s$$$ and the last element $$$k \in s$$$ in $$$[l,r]$$$ has the same parity as $$$r$$$. For example, consider $$$a = [1,0,1]$$$, then $$$s = [1]$$$ but $$$l=1,r=3$$$. Of course in this case the following proof still holds so it doesn't matter much :)

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    27 hours ago, # ^ |
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    We can only prove $$$l \in s$$$ and the last element $$$k \in s$$$ in $$$[l, r]$$$ has the same parity as $$$r$$$.

    Yes, I had even mentioned it in the editorial but mistakenly wrote that $$$r$$$ should be present in $$$s$$$ as well. I have fixed it.

31 hour(s) ago, # |
  Vote: I like it -8 Vote: I do not like it

div2 D, DP solution. So hard to understand. Can't even understand the first sentence

27 hours ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +9 Vote: I do not like it

In case someone struggles to understand the $$$\binom{n}{i+cnt_0}$$$ thing like me, we can think it this way.

For a sequence A selected by $$$\binom{n}{i+cnt0}$$$, we form our sequence B by taking the 1s in A and the 0s not in A. Say A has $$$x$$$ 0s. So we have $$$(i + cnt_0 - x)$$$ 1s and $$$(cnt_0 - x)$$$ 0s in B. The score would be $$$(i + cnt_0 - x) - (cnt_0 - x) = i$$$. Namely what we'd like to achieve.

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    26 hours ago, # ^ |
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    Ohhhh, how is someone supposed to come up with something like this in contest tho?? Thank you so much, I've been trying to get deepseek to explain that derivation to me for the last half hour :_)

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      20 hours ago, # ^ |
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      A more mathematical way to prove the binomial coefficient $$$\binom{n}{i + cnt_0}$$$ in div2F:

      Suppose you take $$$o$$$ ones, then the number of zeros required to get score = $$$i$$$ should be $$$o - i$$$. Hence for a fixed $$$o$$$ (number of ones) that yield $$$i$$$ (score), the number of subsequences is equivalent to $$$\binom{\text{cnt}_1}{o} \cdot \binom{\text{cnt}_0}{o - i}$$$. Summing up over all all values of $$$o$$$ yield: $$$\sum_{o = i} ^{\text{cnt}_1} \binom{\text{cnt}_1}{o} \cdot \binom{\text{cnt}_0}{o - i} = \sum_{o = i} ^{\text{cnt}_1} \binom{\text{cnt}_1}{o} \cdot \binom{\text{cnt}_0}{\text{cnt}_0 - o + i}$$$. This is a famous identity and can be calculated by summing upper and lower variables resp. i.e. required value is $$$\binom{\text{cnt}_1 + \text{cnt}_0}{\text{cnt}_0 + i} = \binom{n}{i + \text{cnt}_0}$$$.

26 hours ago, # |
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I solved Div2 D like "mathematically on paper", storing "variables" at each step and, in the end, maximizing a certain function based on the upper bounds of those variables.

Let's say that in the i-th step, the total number of added people is x. In the next step, I assign y to the left gate and x — y to the right gate, ensuring that 0 <= y <= x. This process continues until the last step, where I sum up the values in the left and right gates and maximize the function.

To achieve that maximization, I looped through the coefficients from the last to the first, setting the variable to 0 if the coefficient was ≤ 0 or to its upper bound if it was ≥ 0

23 hours ago, # |
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Div2 D solution : "With the current number people of l+y on the left side and r+x−y on the right side, we can see that maximizing y is the optimal choice, because there always exist an allocation such that both number of people on the left and right side will exceed those with lower selection of y."

When y gets bigger, r+x-y gets smaller. I cannot understand why poeple on right side can be bigger when y is bigger.

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    23 hours ago, # ^ |
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    The more people you gained when entering the multiply gate can be placed on the right side to compensate, and you can do it so that the right side ended up big anyways.

23 hours ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +3 Vote: I do not like it

I couldn't solve Div2 D during the contest because of the following simplification that I only realized upon reading the editorial.

Let's create an array for each lane: results[i] that states the total number of people we'd have at the end if 1 person entered at the ith gate. Then, if we have N people entering the ith gate then the total count would simply be N * results[i]. However, this only works in case of multiplication but not addition.

Let's try to understand the addition result better. It doesn't matter if X people enter or X+1, if the gate is of type +Y, then we'd get exactly Y extra people. Also, there is one person in each lane at the beginning and they cannot move to another lane (only additional ones can). Therefore, each of the addition operations in both lanes will be triggered no matter what choices we make.

Thus, we can compute an array where suffix_prod[i] denotes the total number of people at the end if exactly one person enters gate i. We can compute which of the next two lanes have a better multiplier (by processing the gates in reverse order) and the additional people can go through that lane, while the one person we had at start continues down the same lane. Then, we can process all the addition events in another loop and each of the additional people generated through them can go through the lane with better multiplier as discussed above.

O(N) implementation

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    23 hours ago, # ^ |
      Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

    so is my understanding correct that

    • suffix_prod is similar to what results was doing but we can't use it to compute the final result
    • but we can use it to simulate the process and at every gate make a greedy choice for newly generated people and people who entered the gate continue on the same path?
23 hours ago, # |
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div2-D greedy editorial says When we get more people, place all to where the + will occur first.

is it supposed to be + (plus ) or it should be x ( multiply ) ?

20 hours ago, # |
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2077F — AND x OR
For a<b there are 2 ways: increase a so that a becomes submask of b; increase b so that b becomes supermask of a.
For submask, we can iterate b in descending order, check if the current value is marked, find smallest larger value that is marked and mark all submask of v.
For supermask, we can iterate b in ascending order, find smallest larger value that is marked and mark all supermask of v.

18 hours ago, # |
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My solution to Div1 E is fairly different from the tutorial, so I'm not sure how they are equivalent:

Since the folding operation makes it such that if you increase the darkness of $$$i$$$, you can fold in such a way such that you the increase the darkness of $$$j$$$ if the parity of $$$j$$$ and $$$i$$$ are different. This leads to a dp-like method: Let $$$x$$$ be the operation that can be applied now, in 2 spaces, in 4 spaces, etc, and $$$y$$$ be the operations that can be applied next and in 3 spaces, in 5 spaces, etc. If we are currently at space $$$i$$$, try using as many of the operations we can use, and if not, we will have to use extra operations increasing $$$x$$$. In other words, $$$x = \max(x, a_i)$$$. Now if all of the operations we used we can use again next space (since it has a different parity), along with all of $$$y$$$. Therefore, $$$x = a_i + y$$$. The operations we didn't use, $$$x - a_i$$$, are put in $$$y$$$, since we can't use them next space. This leads to if we loop and do $$$x = a_i + y$$$, $$$y = \max(x - a_i, 0)$$$ (simultaneously), $$$x + y$$$ turns out to be the answer. Now if we index these $$$x$$$ and $$$y$$$, where $$$x_{i,j}$$$ and $$$y_{i,j}$$$ are what results when looping from $$$a_i$$$ to $$$a_j$$$, the formulas turn into $$$x_{i,j} = a_j + y_{i, j-1}$$$, and $$$y_{i, j} = \max(x_{i, j - 1} - a_j, 0)$$$. Now by substituting the $$$x$$$ formula into $$$y$$$ formula, we end up with $$$y_{i, j} = \max(a_{j - 1} - a_j + y_{i, j - 2}, 0)$$$. What we have to find is $$$\sum (x_{i,j} + y_{i,j}) = \sum (y_{i,j-1} + y_{i,j} + a_j) = \sum ja_j + \sum (y_{i,j-1} + y_{i,j})$$$. Computing $$$\sum y_{i,j}$$$ can be done my maintaining a stack of $$$y_{0, i}, y_{1, i}, \dots, y_{i,i}$$$ and popping all of the things below $$$0$$$. Using amortization this turns into $$$O(n)$$$. Code here: 310458499

17 hours ago, # |
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aise chutiya question mat banaya karo please B. Vicious Labyrinth , bc question hi samajh nahi aaraha , main question ko itna mat chuppa do ki aadhe question tak hi na pahuch paaye pleaseeeeeee

14 hours ago, # |
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Can someone help me out for the transition of the dp state in D if we consider negative gate values with k skips of gate.

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    14 hours ago, # ^ |
    Rev. 5   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

    i guess the multiplication effects can be handled similarly, even with negative multipliers. This involves calculating the multiplication effect using:


    However, handling negative bonuses is more complex. It's essential to track all the bonus contributions (bonus * max(multiplication_effect[i + 1][0], multiplication_effect[i + 1][1])) you've added, especially since you might need to remove some later to maximize the total number of people. To do this effectively, you should:

    Maintain a sorted record of all bonuses contributions.
    This allows you to efficiently identify and remove the smallest bonuses when necessary, ensuring that the overall sum of people is maximized.
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    14 hours ago, # ^ |
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    the k skips part makes it even more complex let me think how it can be done

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    13 hours ago, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

    yeah its just pretty tough to do it in a sane way , cause with k skips how would you maintain all bonuses contributions Sorted , for each state possible , cause the bonuses added will differ from state to state (i think you can make the sorted bonuses contribution as part of your dp state but still its pretty hard ), if you know a way please share it with me !!

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      7 hours ago, # ^ |
        Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

      Yah, its pretty tough I don't have a solution for now but will definitely find a solution..

14 hours ago, # |
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Now we know how to get the max score in those games

12 hours ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

In Div. 1 C, we can solve the problem after Hint. 2.

$$$\sum {\frac{(cnt_0-cnt_1)^2}{4}+\frac{((cnt_0-cnt_1) \bmod 2)}{4}}$$$

$$$=\frac{\sum {cnt_0}^2+\sum {cnt_1}^2+2\sum cnt_0cnt_1+len\bmod 2}{4}$$$

We can use matrix to solve it.

6 hours ago, # |
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1F is very similar to problem K in The 2nd Universal Cup Finals, and I think their main ideas are also almost the same.

6 hours ago, # |
Rev. 4   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

I find a possible reason why fewer people passed 1D than 1E.

If we judge the difficulty of 1D through its editorial, we might think 1D is quite easy.

But if we don't know the right solution, we often consider how to maximize the lexicographical order at first.

Then a serious problem would appear: many participants don't try to find the subsequence when $$$\max(s_1,s_2,\dots,s_{|s|})$$$ is sure.