Shame on me… for what, exactly?
For spending countless hours grinding problems while others scrolled through discussions? For debugging late into the night while some gave up after one wrong answer? For pushing my limits in every contest while others stayed in finding cheaters?
I become CM in last contest, and instead of appreciation, I get accusations. Apparently, doing well is a crime now. Maybe I should have aimed lower—then no one would have noticed me.
But you know what? Shame on me for expecting better from this community. Shame on me for thinking people would respect effort instead of blindly crying “cheater” at something they don’t understand.
I won’t waste time proving my innocence. My code speaks for itself. My consistency will prove what words cannot. Meanwhile, those who call me a fraud will remain exactly where they are—stuck in their own doubts and limitations.
So yes, shame on me. For working hard. For improving. For achieving. And shame on you—for refusing to believe in anything beyond your own mediocrity.
If I got banned because of these newbies cheat detective [user:longdue][user: Darkman01][user:yogeshrajput63] then** Shame on platform**
Seriously, you're still using an LLM to write this blog? Haha! At least write it yourself. You should be ashamed—we don’t need people like you in our community. Do it properly!
Nowadays a hardstuck pupil can reach cm and yap about his performance. Just take a look at your C code man. Your educational 147 is also all gpt code as well WITH COMMENTS. Like at least remove the dumb comments if you still have brain. Get him to jail!!
You got tons of skipped before. So don't play the victim card. your code clearly doesn't speak for itself, rather it looks more like AI-generated work to me!
someone tell this guy to shut up , no one is buying this bullshit
I won't lie your imports alone give it away for problem c. you go from:
Maybe you're havin fun just changing the imports around but when I use chatgpt for work usually the imports look like the second case. I'm sure you've improved and can do problems but you're clearly giving up and cheating. In my opinion you shouldn't care about rating and just do stuff for fun ya know. rating isn't deep and neither is how good you are. Should have fun and enjoy the process :thumbs_up:
bruh what is this nonsense , I cant believe how dumb you are. But I guess it would be too much to ask >= average IQ from a cheater.