History has never experienced such miraculous progress of newbie & pupil coders. Rating curves of the Great programmers from the past needed time to rise, whereas in 2025 the brains of some newbies and pupil coders have evolved so much that they are not only able to achieve good ranks and solve hard problems, but their code often ends up matching with others'
Let's get introduced to some of them!
Category 1
knows nothing but Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V and trusts AI more than anyone
- 22animeshmahata : 310138415
- abhay.yadav97719 : 310138164
- eng.youssef.radwan3 : 310137366
- 22r01a7381 : 310137088
- deveshchahar_5303 : 310140908
- akodo_09 : 310139908
- sayantan.22bce8533 : 310140025
- killbill69 : 310140250
- Muin4620 : 310140666
- deeprathi22 : 310135665
Some legends found Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V too boring so they wrote a whole new python code wasting their valuable time and kept the variable names unchanged to give credit to the original author, like this one — mdharoon : 310136122
Category 2
Atleast they learned how to change variable names and browse code leakage sources during the contest!! Oops, the first guy forgot to erase the comments!
These 10 submissions are different from Category 1 but resembles each other.
- md_abubakar484 : 310116084
- madrid1832 : 310116381
- KokebT : 310120038
- HEBO_369 : 310121666
- goyalsachin90 : 310126710
- lallantaaap : 310129361
- rathore_24 : 310123443
- another_touristt : 310122889
- MegaGaurdian : 310133706
- arunrathaur92.6 : 310134182
And the list continues, there are hundreds of them! Even some specialists & experts!
I think soon people won't find Codeforces a trustworthy coding platform which could lead to a significant decline in participation in Codeforces rounds and also affect competitive programming culture worldwide.
MikeMirzayanov and the team should come up with a solution soon, otherwise the situation is just going to be worse than anyone might have ever thought...
Codeforces needs to IP ban cheaters and nuke their accounts completely on detection. Make it as inconvenient as possible to cheat. Maybe new accounts should have restrictions and be able to participate in contests but only as unrated until 30 days or something after account creation. Require phone verification to sign up. If a cheater gets banned, they can't use the same number to sign up. etc.
+1 cfbr
This can be a really effective solution. Once I got IP banned on omegle it was a real pain. Somehow they could also detect when I was using a vpn. Also banning accounts in general works I think. Because once your account gets banned you have to start all over again and pretending that their account is authentic will take them months and then they will get banned again and eventually they will give up. I can tell this from my personal experience of getting banned on youtube and twitch chats for just sharing my opinions which the mods didn't appreciate.
I'll mention something that hasn't been mentioned: CF cheating detection has 0% false positives. If your code is accidentally leaked (via hack rooms or similar) then at least you should be the first one to submit.
If you still feel unsafe then just skip cheating detection on Div.3 ABC since only solving them doesn't make you pupil and a few unintended coincidences has been reported in recent few years for example this one. For harder problems it's basically impossible for codes to coincide even on a large sample.
This is a really bad idea:
Much better solution is to require every user to pay 20 USDT/USDC ERC20 for an account. If someone cheats, then they get banned and forfeit 20 dollars basically. It's not a lot of money per user, stablecoins are not easily regulated and Codeforces gets paid for the services it provides which is fair.
ye aur bekar idea h
well , you replaced an okay soln with a worse soln....
We are considering if we can skip everyone rated with the word "Dyadic" in their code for F; I didn't know what that word meant, I do not think it is expected for them to know it either
Submissions without the word "dyadic" should be checked too, not every cheater is dumb to keep the comment
Thank you, you are one of the few authors of a contest who is taking this initiative, if all the authors can do this, its a good start
I could solve first two problem very hard, but why I didn't get any mark? I don't know. Few months ago I was participating a contest where server error issue was happaning and I could hardly solve only 3 problems but no rating given. Every time why I don't get any rating ? Please tell me anyone.
with all due respect, please use ai to communicate in english.
I really think banning a account even if they have a single plag report is highly required now ,atleast people have to start from ground zero.
codeforces should collaborate AI plateforms not to provide solutions while the contest
i think that will require a lot of money
It feels like absolutely no measures are being taken except for basic plagarism checks. People with obvious AI codes dont get banned until they do that in 10 contests after which no compensation is provided to people who got affected by it. We have people spreading racist comments like in this post. Absolutely 0 moderation of any sort both in contests and comments. If this is how it continues, then the best platform for CP will fall down one day. Its unbearable asf
Who likes to use such long variable names
the code was obviously written by AI
Seriously, after solving these types of problems, I thought my ranking would be under 1000, but guess what? I'm at 1200. Day by day, the amount of cheating increases.
here we got another cheater. Darkman01
It's not right to blame someone without proof. Before calling anyone a cheater, you should provide evidence. Maybe for some people, the word 'cheater' doesn’t mean much, but for me, it’s really hurtful. I think Codeforces should take action—maybe give people 5 chances to make comments without proof, and if they keep doing it, restrict their ability to comment until they write properly.
i walked through your codes and it is clearly written by ai, lol. cry harder cheater you got caught. you ain't no genius to get rank 7 in your first contest and you are from pakistan not from china or russia that i would believe you are some prodigy.