wiedergeboren's blog

By wiedergeboren, 11 hours ago, In English

I was curious to know if people are able to continue doing cp with a non programming job and progress.

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6 hours ago, # |
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IMHO, having a job as a programmer and continue doing cp is more difficult bcz you're getting tired of programming doing your job during the day. So I wake up 2 hours before work just to do cp with the fresh mind.

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    6 hours ago, # ^ |
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    how much do you earn?

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      6 hours ago, # ^ |
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      Just for reference, I've recently completed my bachelor's degree and now I'm a junior in hft company. So I have a decent salary among the market.

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        6 hours ago, # ^ |
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        how much do you earn?

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        5 hours ago, # ^ |
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        Can you provide me a referral? If possible can I dm you giving you my resume and other information?

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          105 minutes ago, # ^ |
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          chutiye wo HFT hai, lolipop nhi maangne se mil jayega, most IIT walo ko bhi nhi milta bhosdike

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        5 hours ago, # ^ |
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        If possible can you provide referral to me as well?

6 hours ago, # |
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I actually got more intrested in low level programming and CP just when i got a job. But i am still managing by reading about CP tricks and C & Assembly content in freetime.

I would say tho, i have no time for anything else after this so feels burnt out.

97 minutes ago, # |
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The only real benefit my job provided was making me more familiar with C++ and programming in general. But anyone who works on side projects or practices competitive programming long enough will reach the same level of familiarity, making it less of a unique advantage as a programmer.