In a few hours, Bayan Qualification round begins.
Qualification round will be held as our first official and required round of Bayan Programming Contest 2014-2015. It will begin on October 9th, 06:00 (UTC) for a 72-hour period, and solving only one problem is enough to advance you to the elimination round. This round is going to be an easy event with 3 very easy problems and 5 random participants will be receiving t-shirts.
Whether you are testing your luck for a random tshirt or are aiming for one of 100 tshirts of elimination round, or even if you are already planning for your trip to Tehran, you should not miss the qualification round. (
Please do make sure that you have fully read the main contest announcement. Lots of your questions has been already answered there.
We would like to thank MikeMirzayanov and his team specially Maxim Akhmedov (Zlobober) once again for all their efforts before and during the warm up round. Polygon was also handy and helpful for problem setting and team collaboration.
To join the stream you can follow contest's updates @bayan and you can follow the images on our Instagram page.
Poor contest, so much information required for registration on system... No information about trailing spaces and newlines: ".in" file has one more newline than shown in testcase. And "Pending 20 minutes ago".
Dear rsFalse,
All your submissions are already judged, and they were Wrong. Btw, you may reach us faster through the clarification form.
It is generally a good idea to provide definition of vowel, as letter Y sometimes considered vowel and sometimes consonant
Thank you for your suggestion. We made it clear in an announcement.
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Platform crashed once when I tried to download the input file and second time when I tried to upload the output file, then twice more trying to get back in the competition. Currently struggling to get it as it keeps crashing. Elimination round will be a time penalty competition afterall so please try to fix all those crashes. Error was 502 all the times and not even in English.
I currently can't access the website as it crashes every time I try to get to the competition.
About every other request ends in a Farsi 502 message for me. Especially when downloading inputs (and the timer is ticking... :) ). I don't see a bright future for the 1000-person contest in two weeks unless you really improve the stability of the system.
Exactly, every time I click on a link I open in it a new tab 4-5 times since it's 502 error in most of the times. And I'm pretty sure currently there aren't too many people on the website compared to the thousands that will compete in the Elimination round.
Bug fixed. The problem was caused by a misconfiguration in our web server which is fixed now. We increased the Worker connections limit in nginx to handle live updates via websocket connections. Thank you for your report.
How I can start participate?
(Originally sent by PM, but BYN said to post as public comment)
How do you open .in files?
These are just regular text files. You can open them with notepad or with your favorite source code editor.
Bayan Programming Contest follows an output-only style. When you have written and tested your code, you can request an input. A file with ".in" extension will be downloaded to your computer. You should then produce the corresponding output and submit it in the contest platform within some minutes (It's a good practice to have this filed named "problem_name.out"). The contest judge will analyze your submitted output and mark it as accepted or rejected.
Note that each time you request an input, a different one will be given to you. So if your submission has been rejected, you should request a new input file.
Hey, in the rules there were no written, that given data file changes every time you get it :( . Now I understand why WA-s.
There wouldn't be any point in the time limit (and downloading an input file again) otherwise, no? :D
I hope the "have you won a T-shirt before" means "before this Qualification round" :D
No. It refers to Bayan contest 2011 and 2012-13 :)
How to Solve and Submit a Solution in Bayan Programming Contest Platform.
Can you please tell the precise time when the Elimination round will begin on 19 Oct? The schedule on seems to point only the day, but not the hour.
Can non Iranians can take part in qualification round and qualify for next round?
yes, as the final will contain the first contestant from the first 20 countries in the eliminations.
The scoreboard is not live enough, it updated about 5 minutes later after my submission.
Also it's very inconvenience to view my score. I can only get my rank from the mini scoreboard but not score. The only way to view my score is to page down many many times until I find my name.
By "first 20 countries", do you mean you rank countries based on the accumulative performance of all competitors of that country, then take the top 20 countries and select the top contestant from each of those?
You take top 20 individual contestants, keep only 1 contestant per country, and try to expand the list again starting with 21st contestant until you have 20 unique countries?
Of course it has to be the second option, why should someone's result depend on others' results?
I agree with you on what you have questioned is an absurd, but isn't it also an absurd that someone's result depend on others' nationalities?
Apparently selecting candidates who move on to the onsites is already dependent on others' results as mentioned by Swistakk. Given such a strange condition, one could suspect that contest organizers may have some unusual view, like gathering "representatives" of the countries that are dominating the world of competitive programming, rather than rewarding individuals on their own performance. Perhaps I've gone too far, but I believe it would have been for everyone's benefit to clarify the reasoning behind the selection criterion.
There is still a difference: in what you asked, no matter how well I do, I can fail to get to the finals. In the current model, as long as I do well enough (win), I can get to the finals.
The difference isn't big effectively (the 2nd can fail vs the 1st can fail), but huge conceptually.
Also, "people from your country have to be successful" and "people from your country have to be unsuccessful" are different, because the distribution of contestants over standings shouldn't be symmetric, there are many bad coders but few good ones.
I agree that the current rules are a bit stupid, but there's still some place<->advancement correlation, while if place depended on places of thousands of others (and from the bottom of the leaderboard), it would probably be practically non-existent. That's why I can sort of accept the current rules, but view the second option from your question as outright ridiculous.
Am I the only one who can't find any rules of the contest answering some basic questions about it? For example — can I download in files multiple times? If so, what is the penalty for doing this many times? What is the score in scoreboard? I got 30 pts for problem A, some people have 39. Is it somehow dependent on submission time? If so, what is the dependence? How one's overall time penalty is calculated? Is it a sum of penalties (ACM-like) or maximum penalty (GCJ-like)? And I think that I got that one right, but — are those results final ones — not just some signs denoting that I already submitted that file?
I think the contest announcement answers a large number of your questions [Refer to Score Calculation Method section].
Hm, thank you. That answers some of my questions, but other still hold. Moreover, I didn't think that only place where I can find scoring formulas are in Codeforces announcement, I would rather expect it to be somewhere on Bayan site xd.
When will t-shirt winners be announced?
Bayan Admins,
Thank you, but no; thank you. The platform is fine and we are concentrating on improving the problem set and the platform, you too should be concentrating on improving your problem solving skills.
Later we will publish a detaild technical editorial about the contest platform which may be interesting to all.
So If I asked Mike to improve something he will tell me improve your skills first
I know your platform is very nice and with some extra features it will be one of best platforms but just I don't expect this reply or maybe I understood your words wrong.
I hope my reply doesn't affect on random formula of T-shirts :D
"So If I asked Mike to improve something"
That is the point!
Thanks for your concern. But I'm afraid I can't concentrate on improving my problem solving skills as I have few other important matters to concentrate on. However I will try to dedicate all of my free time to concentrate on my problem solving skills.
You were so right!
Now it's clear that Bayan platform sucks indeed.
Where and when the lucky ones win the T-shirts be announced sir?
Round Stats (Brief):

Wrong blog post, i guess, for which round are these stats?