It is not visible from user point of view, but we've introduced some changes in Codeforces backend to improve system performance. And now we want to test the system before Round 278.
I invite you to take part in Testing Round 11. It will start soon, on November, 20 21:30:00 (UTC). It will be unofficial unrated round.
Pretests are unusually weak to trigger more hack.
If you see any unexpected behavior or bugs, please inform us via comments.
UPD.: Thank you for participation.
Why unofficial unrated?? Which kind of testing??
Because — because
hope the new system do well for coming contests.
Sounds good! 2:30 local time ! Maybe I will sleep and get up and sleep again after contest :)
This made me much happy :D
How many questions ?!
I love this contest
Start time of this testing round makes me happy) It assures me that I'm not alone with my principle — "Do it in last 24 hours".
Statement is not available. problem B
When I tried to open problem B, I saw this :

It was an issue of problem preparation, it is not a system fault.
in 32 min after beginning of the contest: in the score table problem A score is 418 and in standings when i solved it i got 386 .. !!
-50 for failed attempt (RE3 in your case)
Glad to see system test is much faster than before!
Edit: Hacks page is gone? Here is link
the number of contestants is too small so you can't determine if it really faster or not
How to solve B? I thought of maximum bipartite matching. But was unable to implement
I figured out how to generate hacks in java. Was problem for moment because I did not realize that Random random = new Random(); had to be Random random = new Random(200); for instance with specific seed, so that it would be deterministic. Then I had many happy hacks! Can't wait to generate hacks in rated contests! Thanks Mike!
i think there is something wrong with system test
My solution for problem B must be Wrong Answer test 25 but it gives Accepted
see test case 25:
As above commentator says I see same thing for my submission, number 8769288. For test 5 I have wrong answer, and yet it says ok PANIC! jury answer is not optimal: contestant has 110, jury has 97. However it is other way around, my answer is not optimal, the jury one is!
There was actually a problem with the checker for this task. Now it is fixed.
Seems like there's a problem with the Checker of problem B
how can i solve the B number problem
How to solve C?
This problem is known as the assignment problem and can be solved by the hungarian algorithm
Who the hell is mehmed_77??? And how he solved all 3 Problems in 1 minute?
And I noticed a bug, while posting this comment and clicked preview.
Mike, look please.
Full size image
He participated in virtual Contest. First he solved all problems and then Enter virtual contest room and then submit one by one.
Oh, snap! Haven't noticed that)
That '#' show that he was in a Virtual contest and certainly he had solved all 3 Problems before start Virtual