Hello all,
I am trying to solve this problem from Hack 101 Hackerrank .
I was not able to click any other solution so i applied brute force and got TLE for some file then i decided to open some accepted solution and find a number of interesting code.
Here are the link to those solution.
Roman Rubanenko submission's : extremely small code (may be idea is very big) c++ code http://ideone.com/MI4uUA
python code link http://ideone.com/RhYWli
Surprise to see such codes..
Can anybody of you elaborate the idea behind these submission.. This will make me learn a lot..
Thanx in advance ..
In order to understand idea of Rubanenko — take a look at values of ans at first few iterations.
As you can see,ans[i]=A^(2^i); and Rubanenko just set A=2.
As you can see,ans[i]=a^(2^i)
Actually, it was said in the statement :D The answer to the question seems to be in your lines above, which show that ans[i] = ans[i - 1]2
@LeBron Thanx
Can you also tell me how does that python code works because 2^a really a big number and handling such big number should lead to TLE although i know that time limit for python is relaxed ...
As python doc says pow(x, y[, z]) is computed more efficiently than pow(x, y) % z #pow
In python, using the pow(a,b) is equivalent to a ** b then mod c which will easily get TL due to involvement of large numbers but pow(a,b,c) do it in with some constant overhead.