Открыта традиционная новогодняя акция. Спешите! Только до 10-го января вы можете изменить свой хэндл абсолютно безвозмездно, то есть даром! Сменить хэндл можно лишь единожды. Обратите внимание, что откатить изменения или изменить хэндл еще раз вы сможете только через год.
Хэндл можно сменить либо на совсем новый (ранее никем никогда не используемый), либо на тот, который у вас был когда-то ранее. И да, совсем скоро странички вида http://codeforces.net/profile/Alex_KPR будут автоматически редиректить со старого хэндла на новый. У нас все ходы записаны!
Касательно необдуманных хэндлов я всегда вспоминаю такую историю. Мне как-то написал пользователь с просьбой: "Прошу сменить мой хэндл с I_love_Valya на I_love_Sveta, так как Валю я больше не люблю..."
С новым годом!
I changed my handle from PrinceOfPersia to this.
Why still there is PrinceOfPersia in my country's rating page ?
P.S: And still there is PrinceOfPersia below my image (in the right side) in my other browser (Google chrome).
It is a cache, please wait for a while.
i wanted a handle like "atom" (my name is ayush tomar) but looks like somebody took it and did this SUCH EVIL
I tried to change my handle from "sa1378" to "Sa1378"
But it said it's in use...But just i use this handle
Why it's not case sensitive ??
But others have capital letters in their handle ...
Can you make it correct please?
Wow! Magic has fixed it!
Thanks for this and for color....
If I get
You can't not use this handle
(sic!) and this handle is not in use (Can't find such user
) does it mean that it was in use?I have the same problem.
You can't not use this handle: it has been used before by other participant
what it is? And what should i do?How do I change my handle if I use google account to log in? What am I supposed to put as password?
Press "I forgot the password" button and make new password and change your handle
How can I change my handle if log in with google account? What am I supposed to put as password?
Yeah, it seems very interesting!
Thanks, hoping this new handle will make me more lucky :)
I want my handle to be Mohammad_Yasser . But it says this handle is currently in use because it's the same as my current handle — case insensitive — .
Can't I make it Mohammad_Yasser ?
Why can't people just choose their desired handle the first time..
edit: I mean, why can't people choose the handle they want when they register >:D
If many people have the same Handle then it is very difficult to identify a specific user.
lol how can many people have same handle ? xD
Many people may have the same choose. If they choose their desired handle then there is ambiguity among users, but we doesn't like ambiguity. That's why Codeforces allow users to choose a Handle that is not in use.
Just changed my handle, Hope I become orange as my avatar color, this year :)
Just changed my handle, Hope I become red as my jaguar color, this year :)
You have already got this (Real or not Real, this is not matter).
Check out the magic in codeforces to become red :P (like me)
why we can't change our handle capital letter to small ?? I want my handle change to SadDaS
I have been waiting for about 8 months to change my Codeforces Handle.
Now its time to change.
I want to change my handle... But I haven't found anything more interesting for me than maths... Even coding, algorithm, acm.... I am learning those for maths.... So this year I give up changing my handle again...I wish Codeforces will attract more coders in the 2015!
What about changing it to "mathadorer" if you really adore math that much
I have changed my handle from DarkAssassin to DarkAssassin. But why still DarkAssassin is remaining as a handle?
... said emotionless.milon
Is it a cache??? It is 17 hours since I posted. Still the handle is working.
DarkAssassin looks to be a fake account of emotionles (whatever their true rating color is).
it is very good
as i will change my handle from sabry_ragab to _break
as my name is Sabry Ragab Darwish Break
so i like my grandfather name as it is related to programming
But you changed it to _braek... Compilation error. Resubmit next year
He can't submit it if someone take "_break" as his/her handle this year.. :v
Уже работает! :D
How to change the handle?
Hope that this name will be changed next year :P
Ha ha. Best of luck on that. :)
I sincerely hope you won't need to change it to I_still_dont_have_girlfriend
I changed my handle from DORAEMON-VODANH become Stupid-Dog but in my submissons still appeard my old handle.
Other person changed their handle in their submissions, why me not ?
How do I change handle if I use VK for authorization?
restore your password
Во дела, зашел на CF, а тут у всех хэндлы новые, не узнать никого. Приходится заглядывать на странички чтоб узнать кто есть кто.
How can I change my Handle?
My skill changed from zero to hero)))
I am used to participating in other contests, where you have to wait few days for final results; waiting an hour for results of CF round isn't so bad. I agree even for slower testing after rounds, if we'll have stable working CF during rounds instead:)