As my previous blog, this blog's only a few feeling and experience. It may not very useful. I just wanna share something like a public diary.
In most of Div. 2 contest, which i took part in, #C of Div. 2 is a hard problem for us to solve, and if I spend about 1 or 1,5 hour for it, I think that OK.
But this time, #A of Div. 1 is the same difficult but it is the most easy problem so I feel very very "Chicken" (A speak way well know in my nation, to refer a bad-skill guy).
And I realize that many thing out side my control, the thing I guess that I have to well-do, but, not, maybe i know that, but it take me a lot of time. I can do it better if I've done more practice before. -> Practice make perfect...
Sorry for my bad English, hope you can understand me.
Only mi opinion...
Problem A (Div 1) generally is the "easy problem", so you don't need theory for solve faster.
Only practice and read the code of the better coders. =)
The other problems generally involved more theory or tricky ideas, and for me are very dificulty, because i failed when i code my complicated ideas. But if you solver faster the Problem A (Half past hour), you have time for thinking the other problems (B or C), solve anybody and tried to survive in Div 1...
Good luck next time! =)
edit: Sorry for my bad English too
Tks, me too, always have troble on implementation of complicated problem. And I'll practice more to get to close "Perfect".
Welcome to div2...
wow, so many words just to say that you suck
He is my friend and just kiding. Why so serious ?
Nó bảo tao đó ku, không phải bảo mi.
I just want to ask another for help, or, if you think it only like a status on Facebook, you're right. Sorry for my botheration. Thanks for your comment too.
Congratulate Guy, Goodluck to you in the nexttime :D