What is the next number of the sequence 1,3,5,7,... ?
when you have an answer check whether it's correct or not here
moral of story that all answers are correct for some polynomial function so such questions which majorly used in IQ tests are non sense
This reminds me of that question. You can go through all the answers — they're pretty nice.
Hahaha nice answers specially off-by-one error and the 0 answer :D so this topic has been already discussed
I remembered this Codechef task. I couldn't solve it before, it would be nice if someone propose me solution :)
you should guess the author's formula for that sequence, because there can be infinite sequences that start with same numbers as the numbers mentioned in statement.
don't care about such questions if you are practicing for competitive programming.
I solved this question during the contest. This is my solution. There is no logic behind it anyways. Just a stupid IQ question.
They won't be asking for this answer, and nobody will come up with this solution anyway. You rarely come up with a solution for this type of questions that's incorrect, so I don't think they're nonsense.
But amongst all of the polynomials of degree <=4 that take some fixed value in next point, exactly one of them has degree <=3 (or even <=1 !). Don't you think it makes it somehow special :)? You're butthurting about something that shouldn't be butthurted :P. If some people don't like solving such questions, just don't solve them, I guess nobody is forced to solve them :P.
Lagrange polynomial!