Hi everybody!
Yandex.Algorithm finalists were gathering in Dolgoprudny... Everybody in their own unique way :)
dzhulgakov, pieguy, levlam and Progger turned out to be the most organized and arrived at the start of the Summer School. They've already socialized with other participants and began solving and competing in the practical bioinformatics problem using a distributed Hadoop cluster accessible for all school participants — good for them! Two Japanese buddies rng_58 and wata landed at Sheremetyevo airport on July 13 at 17.55, and an hour later they were already receiving their badges from me. Their fellow-countryman LayCurse mixed up the dates and took the tickets for the same flight but for July 14 :) tourist with his father came in the morning on July 14th, and dolphinigle landed yesterday late in the evening and told me I was the first man in Russia he met who spoke English :) ivan.metelsky "burst" into the room of the School organizers sleeping after yesterday's party at 8 AM; he got there himself without any instructions :) e-maxx arrived at Moscow by train at 10.38 in the morning and made his way directly to the competition with our other friends from Saratov - with some adventures on the way: the electric trains to Dolgoprudny have a break from 11.10 till 13.40. ktuan decided last minute that he won't spend his last univercity vacation for the finals, and Burunduk1 seems to have been too busy with teaching high school students and didn't answer my e-mails and phone calls (tut-tut, Sergey!) — I wonder whether he will be coming last minute. Petr will drive here from Moscow just before lunch. My intern zeliboba studies at MIPT and lives in the same building where all the other participants of the Summer School, so he'll probably come to the contest floor last :)
Everybody can register and participate in the round as usual. Those who don't participate in the onsite round will be out of competition, but the round is rated for everybody in Div-1.
I remind you that the contest time is unusual today: we will start at 16.00 The problems are harder than usual in Div-1 today — looking forward to a bitter struggle!
Update: full results
A few photos from the School's life starring our finalists Progger и pieguy:

We'll know results after the award ceremony.
When will the ceremony end?
Perhaps it is because the participation rate is low today.
Maybe some scaling could be introduced in the formulas for rating changes.