There are n classes in which there are a1,a2, students in each class. You have given b cakes (b >= n) , you have to divide the cakes in each class such that the number of students per cake in each class is minimum and each class should have atleast 1 cake in it. You need to find the maximum number of students per cake in any class such that cakes are divided in each class optimally. How should I approach? First I give 1 cake to each class. Then I left with b-n cakes , how one should distribute it optimally ?? Lets say I give x1 cakes to class 1 and x2 to class 2 and so on such that x1+x2+..+xn = b and ans = find max( a1/x1 , a2/x2 ,...,an/xn) Sample Input 1 2 7 20 50 ans = 10 , I give 2 cake to class 1 and 5 cake to class 2. Sample Input 2 6 7 1 1 1 1 1 10 ans = 5 , I give 1 cake to first 5 class and then 2 to last class , so ans = 10/2 which is maximum . Thanks for any solutions.
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Binary search on answer. for each value m, give each class cakes until the ratio is less than or equal to m.
Thanks , But can you tell me with some more explanation or with some sample example? I didn't got it through.
Use binary search to find the best ratio. for each value (i.e. mid value) do the following:
for each class, keep giving it cakes until the ratio (students/cakes) for this class is less than or equal to the mid value. if you ran out of cakes and some class has a ratio larger than the mid value, try searching for larger ratios. otherwise search for smaller ratios.