Hi all!
Unknown Language Round #3 is going to take place on 30th of July. (This very Saturday -- Friday for some parts of the world)
This is the third contest of its type. The rules are easy (and fun):
- Scoring is similar to that of ACM-ICPC.
- The contest is not rated.
- You can submit your code using only one language. This language is a secret and will be announced only when the contest begins! (We'll expect lots of coding bugs and syntax mistakes!)
This is the 100th contest on Codeforces. Congratulations to Mike Mirzayanov for developing a system that grows so fast!
There will be 10 problems overall. The tasks concentrate mainly on coding abilities rather than problem-solving and algorithmic techniques. Tasks are made by Mike Mirzayanov, Kiana Gholampoor, Soroush Farrokhnia , Amir Goharshady and Me (Amirali Mohammadzade).
We're grateful to Artem Rakhov for helping us to prepare the tasks, Maria Belova for translation, Zahra Rohanifar for testing one of the tasks and Hossein Boomari for teaching us to code!
The contest is dedicated to Mike Mirzayanov and Artem Rakhov for their great job at Codeforces and for helping us all improve our coding abilities.
UPD: The contest is over.Only 6 people solved problem J. Congratulations to Peter50216 from Taiwan for winning the contest and to the following 5 people for solving all the taks:
The mysterious Unknown language for today's contest is "Pike". Pike was designed by Fredrik Hubinette at Linkoping University, Sweden, in 1994. Having a C-like syntax, Pike is just another "curly-brackets" language. Pike can be used to write small and simple scripts, and also for very large programs. Pike's advanced data types. If you're a fan of GNU-Emacs, then today's contest is your heaven! Emacs has a Pike-Highlighter!
Here's a simple Pike code:
int main() {<br>string s=Stdio.stdin->gets();<br>write(s);<br>return 0;<br>}
You can get Pike at its homepage: http://pike.ida.liu.se/. You may also take a look at http://www.gotpike.org/. Find out more about the language by searching in the net.
You may use "Custom Test" tab in the contest interface to run Pike files. Also you may use http://ideone.com/ or install it locally. You may try to install Pike package if you are using *nix OS.
Please note that the Pike input reading on Windows is not working properly due to lack of special treatment of the character \r. Therefore, all input files to the solutions on Pike are processed to remove the character \r.
Pack password is 18fbfca3e186dcf9f6faf08d0a3b5681.
Good Luck and Have fun.
What is the right starting time?
Or maybe some ML-family language, like OCaml.
It's my first ULR, so I don't know how it's going...
Does the archive contain compiler of interpreter of the language? If yes, then what OS is it for? If no, would it be possible to get it from somewhere?
Tha probability is 50%.
Even though it's my first ULR, for future rounds I'd prefer languages with much weirder syntax (something like APL :) ) or non-imperative paradigm (maybe something functional). In that case participants would have to learn something more than just another few library functions.
Probably for some of newbie coders it was useful to read documentation and figure out the neccessary library functions.It's one of the skills each programmer should master. Btw,the documentation is organized quite well:)
But , i think the round was quite boring for experienced coders.
This version of Pike can't process this code:
float f; sscanf(s,"%d",f);
but it works on http://ideone.com/. It's strange that the ideone.com has older version of language.
Besides this was really fun .
Around 250. Look at the left column of the final standings.
Thanx in advance
array a = Stdio.stdin->gets()/",";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
sscanf(a[i], "%d", a[i]);