Всем привет!
С 29 февраля по 14 марта на Codeforces пройдёт соревнование, организованное при поддержке компании VeeRoute. Это молодая, но уже громко заявившая о себе IT-компания, которая занимается автоматизацией процессов в транспортной логистике.
Участникам будет предложено как можно лучше решить одну неточную задачу. Она похожа на те задачи, над решением которых компания VeeRoute работает ежедневно. Поскольку формат сильно отличается от стандартных раундов на Codeforces, соревнование не будет влиять на рейтинг.
Приглашаем всех, кто не боится сложных и интересных задач по программированию, дружит с алгоритмами и структурами данных. Участие в соревновании — личное, ограничений по возрасту или дивизиону нет.
По результатам финального тестирования будут определены победители и распределены следующие призы:
- I место — iPhone 6S или Nexus 6P по выбору победителя.
- II место — любая модель механической клавиатуры Das Keyboard.
- III место — любая настольная игра серии Ticket to Ride.
Кроме того, 30 лучших участников получат фирменную футболку с логотипом спонсора.
Удачи и интересной борьбы всем участникам!
Ура, даёшь марафоны на Codeforces!
The 1st Manathon contest in CF. Nobody should miss it! Also the 1st time on this earth too I guess.
That's perhaps a new edition of an entirely different contest. See Manthan 2011 here.
Do you feel anything weird in the final standings of that contest? Please show unofficial and pay attention to the result of practice users.
A few things look odd, yes. However, if you get a feeling that something is a bug, you'll have to be more specific, and perhaps directly address the person responsible.
That one starts tomorrow (not 29th) and lasts 2,5 hours (not like a week). It's almost definitely another contest.
yeah, why not just have a try?
контест по системе IOI или по система ACM ?
Скорей всего ACM
да не, по правилам кодфорсес 100про
Just 30 T-shirt!!!! So I can not win T-shirt :/ why they don not give them random to best 500 contestants ???? maybe in this way I win T-shirt ;)
I think even in this way I won't win T-shirt too :/
If it's any consolation,I won't win any even if 1000 shirts are given.
How is you not winning something be a consolation to anyone else?
No problem if I didn't win , because Cajax also didn't win — said no one ever.
Why do you think you deserve a T-shirt ????
Then you should practice more to get into Top 30. :)
So there is only one problem? "will have to solve a certain optimization problem as best as they can" Is there a partial score or something?
I never knew Codeforces System supports partial scoring.
Do red coders ever need to buy T-shirts with their own money lol.
You can also try to register and run in a marathon. Usually, there is a T-Shirt in the starting kit.
I now think they do need to buy T-shirts with their own money after reading comments in this blog
Will the contest be rated?
Please read the blog before commenting.
The problem is similar to the ones that are being solved by VeeRoute daily. As the competition format is very different from a standard Codeforces round, the contest will be unrated.
Oh dang, someone actually did the prizes right! :D
A choice between Android/iOS for first place and something that'd actually make your programming life a lot better for second place -> A+
Is this announcement corresponding to the contest "Manthan, Codefest 16" ??
No, but the Manthan announcement just appeared.
very good && good && good && good
I am happy because codeforces is beautiful exams..
İ am kurdish boy We are terorist and we will destroyer your world and we will establish kurdish state on your world
Please don't destroy us.
Which idiot will choose an Android phone over THE IPHONE?
*grabs popcorn * war begins *
Any Windows Phone master race?
RIP Windows Phone :P
I am I am =D
Too many android fans!
It will be great if VeeRoute Marathon rated.
My first marathon match ever.
good luck buddy :)
Good luck to you too :)
My luck doesnt help here :p This is too hard problem for me :D
Why? Don't we live for problems like these? This is our time to innovate.
Because of the ongoing contest, http://codeforces.net/contests redirects to http://codeforces.net/contests/636, so we cannot view the list of past contests by visiting that page. Are there any plans to change this, or will it remain like this for the next two weeks until the contest ends?
You can still click
To view the complete list, click the link.
on the right, though I agree it's inconvenient.It will be fixed.
Thank you!
I don't know if you answer questions asked with the contest interface so I will ask here too.
As far as I understand, the triangle inequality isn't guaranteed. So, the shortest path between two vertices may be indirect. Even then I can't use it such a path because a driver must go directly between two vertices with some events happening. Am I right here? I ask because it's strange that it would be good to use indirect paths but you artificially don't allow it.
You are right. The triangle inequality is not guaranteed. And a path with an intermediate vertex could indeed be shorter than the direct path.
Legend-wise, one can look at it this way. The driver consults a GPS navigation device at a particular moment, and it provides the information. Most of the edges can be used only for a short period of time because of the "no intermediate vertices" rule, so they implicitly carry an approximate timestamp. Naturally, triangle inequality does not hold for traveling at different moments of time.
But if I understood the problem statement correctly, one intermediate vertex is allowed if the driver travels with 2 people (e.g. move to A, pick up person 1, move to B, pick up person 2, move to airport; or pick both persons from the airport, move to A, drop off person 1, move to B, drop off person 2). Since triangle inequality is not guaranteed it might happen that in such a scenario the person being picked up first (or bring dropped off last) arrives at their destination faster than using a direct route (I guess it's not very likely, but maybe it could happen).
После завершение проверяется последняя посылка или максимальный набранный балл ?
Заранее спасибо.
После окончания основного времени соревнования последнее по времени отсылки решение каждого участника, получившее суммарно больше нуля баллов, будет взято для финального тестирования.
То есть для каждого участника:
рассмотрим все решения участника,
оставим только те из них, которые получили строго больше нуля баллов хотя бы на одном из десяти предварительных тестов,
для финального тестирования выберем из таких решений последнее по времени отсылки.
The problemset was awesome, Thanks :)
Is the contest over? I can only see the VK Cup Qualification Round when I click on "Contests" (I see no other contests and no link to get to the other contests). I thought this was going to last approx. 1 more day.
Never mind. The link to view other contests was just too small somewhere :)
Системное тестирование будет сразу после окончание Марафон VeeRoute или же через несколько часов после окончании Марафон VeeRoute ?
Заранее спасибо.
Через ноль или более часов :) .
Тестирование в любом случае займёт некоторое время. Я бы рассчитывал на несколько дней.
Мы будем видеть баллы динамически или только после окончания тестирования? И если да, то как будет проходить тестирование? Как обычно каждый участник на полном наборе тестов или же все участники одновременно и на определенных блоках тестов?