Hi everybody !
I've learn to use Fenwick Tree for a long time but recently I perceive I didn't use it optimally.
So I have some question about Fenwick Tree, I need your help :
1, Can we use Fenwick Tree for min-max query for an inteval array;
2, Can we use it as a Dynamic Fenwick Tree with number of nodes not exeed 1e9 and how to.
3, Can we one Fenwick Tree for two usages: sum and min or sum and max.
They maybe fool questions, please help me if you can !!
Sorry because of my poor English !!
For 1, consult this paper : http://www.ioinformatics.org/oi/pdf/v9_2015_39_44.pdf
for second, yes, using map instead of normal array, log(n) time slower of course
Can you explain a bit more? How will you use map to get dynamic BIT?
I hope this helps.
I don't see why this post deserve 8 downvotes. OP's just trying to learn, why downvote?