I found russian version of acm.sgu
russian version: http://acm.sgu.ru/olimp/
now, we can use web cache tools for reading problems and use russian version for judge submissions but I cannot understand why they deleted English version :(
UPD: it's not russian version of acm.sgu.ru :( it's just a judge with similar visual theme and I was deceived.
The site says "Saratov school olympiads in informatics" and has different problemset, which probably contains problems from their school olympiads and from the lectures they hold for students (though probably few problems you can find, because I remember that some of their school olympiads were hosted on acm.sgu.ru as well). So it wont help you.
Also acm.sgu.ru was mostly consists of subregional ACM ICPC contests held in Saratov (although there were some nice problems from Petrozavodsk camp contests) and recent contests were already hosted on codeforces.com platform.
Would be nice if they could actually host all of the problems from acm.sgu.ru on codeforces platform, there were pretty nice problems.
Oh, you are right. I thought wrong :(
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