My city is called "Urmia" and it's not called "Orūmīyeh". (some people mistakingly write it as Orūmīyeh but it's not the right way to write it.)
But i see that its name has been changed from "Urmia" to "Orūmīyeh" in codeforces.
For the proof this is a wikipedia article about the city "Urima".
you're right. tafkhizzz
"Ur" means "city" and "Mia" means "Water" in hebrew so city's name is "City of Water" please correct name of the city.
This is true. I am not from "Urmia" but I am studying in "Urmia University" and I believe he is right.
Also I was born in "Maragheh". It seems you have changed or removed it too!
Please correct the names ...