starbot's blog

By starbot, history, 8 years ago, In English

Hello !!!

I was wondering about how can we solve this problem using BIT.

I got AC using seg tree but I also saw a comment where someone solved it using BIT.

Help would be appreciated.


Problem :-

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8 years ago, # |
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Can you tell me your seg tree approach? I was only able to think of a O(n * 32) with 2 pointers.

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    8 years ago, # ^ |
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    Well its a very basic seg tree problem. (nlogn)

    First you need to know that each a[i] will be equal to combined AND (&) of i+k and i-k elements. So all you need to do is build a seg tree in which each node contains AND of the range under it. Then for each array element you need to perform a query from i to i+k and i to i-k and print the ans. Since the array is cyclic you need to see that you don't go over n or below 0. That's it. Its complexity is nlogn.

    Here's my code :-

8 years ago, # |
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There exists a range-update range-query method for fenwick tree: see this

Now fenwick tree becomes exactly like segment tree for this problem.

Edit: My bad. I realised that cumulative bitwise AND of a range cannot be negated like range sum and xor.

8 years ago, # |
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You can make 32 rsq bit's trees for each bit to get the and of the range.