ACM ICPC 2018 World Finals stream with tourist and Endagorion:
UPD. We have figured out a working setup for our stream, so tune in to around 10:00 Beijing time tomorrow!
who is tourist ???
one of the best competitive coders(dominator) of our time.
come on, he isn't even top4 lol
hmmmm :>
Normal person, just like us XD
Auto comment: topic has been updated by Petr (previous revision, new revision, compare).
I have figured out a working setup for my delicious homemade cup noodles. Tune in for some fun.
How was your result? We were 9 / 1501.
Where were you participating with a scoreboard? I only saw Kattis where we could submit individual problems.
Yes, we used Kattis too, just computed the penalty manually.
Oh I see. That's your questions solved and time penalty, not your ranking. Whoops.
9 / 1309 it seems. Tried to get 11 in the last hour but couldn't :)