1076C - Meme Problem ~~~~~
int main(){
int a,t,i; double y,z; scanf("%d",&t); for(i = 0; i < t; i++){ scanf("%d",&a); if(a == 1 || a==2 || a==3){ printf("N\n"); } else{ y = ((double)a + sqrt((double)a*(double)a - 4*(double)a))/2; z = ((double)a - sqrt((double)a*(double)a - 4*(double)a))/2; printf("Y %0.9lf %0.9lf\n",y,z); } } return 0;
} ~~~~~
gets AC in GNU C++11 but gets WA in C. though I wrote it in C syntax. how?
GNU C doesn't support %lf modificator as far as I know. You should use %f instead. It's correct write doubles as %f in GNU C. Though in GNU C++ it's not correct and you need %lf for doubles.
P.S. I dont know why downvoting. Really interesting question and I hope there will appear GNU masters to correct me since I'm not quite sure.
http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/printf/ says you cannot write 'lf'. Use 'f' instead.