Доброй ночи/рассвета/утра/дня/заката/вечера/ночи, Codeforces! На днях стало интересно как можно ускорить написания кодов при помощи define и всяких полезных функций в С++, чтобы увеличить свои показатели во время контестов, кто что может посоветовать?
И так же интересно на какой программе лучше всего писать (например Codeblocks, VS...).
Всем заранее спасибо за ответы и всем хорошего настроения)
Auto comment: topic has been translated by OnlyVim (original revision, translated revision, compare)
IMO if you are training for some onsite contest it's always good to train on whatever IDEs that contest allows, and in that case it's better not to use a template, or at least use a short one that you can quickly write at the beginning of the contest.
Otherwise I think Visual Studio is really nice (best debugger I've seen in the IDEs I've tried), not sure about templates because I don't use one.
Codeblocks easier to use, i recommend it. If you looking for defines search in codes of pros.
wait... what?
I found that VS snippets are useful https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/code-snippets?view=vs-2017
You type
and first chars of snippet name (like#tie
forcin.tie(0); cin.sync_with_stdio(false);
), then press Tab, and code replaces it, with defined cursor position after replace.one word: bitset
I'm currently using VSCode, and was developing an extension to compete easily in this editor. It is currently Work in Progress, but you can try it. Several features are missing, I plan to improve it soon! With your feedback I can make a better tool ;)
Find it in the marketplace as acmX. Marketplace or Github
Hi mnaeraxr. I already have installed your extension, but I got a problem. When I try to run my current solution, I get the message: "No active problem". This is my first time using VSCode.
file, and try to run your solution.Anyway I created this group in Telegram so we can discuss it better if you have other issues.
I started using Vim, and even though looks really complex at the beginning, it is really nice end efficient. There are many plugins available and it is fully customizable. Once you learn the basic shortcuts, you won't ever use the arrow keys again!