jiraiya_777's blog

By jiraiya_777, history, 4 years ago, In English

Hello Codeforces,

I was solving this problem on hackerrank.

I successfully solved it in (O(nlogm)) by submitting this (for hackkerank site). All test cases passed.

But this submission (for hackkerank site) (O(n+m)) passes all but fails this test case. Why??

Also when i try to implement the above solutions on my computer they run indefinitely on other test cases(which got accepted on hackerrank) for large values of n and m.


Note- I have already solved the question in O(nlog(m)), so i tried for O(n+m) and this solution passed all but 1 test case.

I need help in knowing what's wrong with the 2nd approach.

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4 years ago, # |
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The test case says access denied. So can you please post the test case instead of the link.
I solved it using upper bound vector. Just removing duplicates and finding the score's position in the array will suffice.
