For this problem (2017 Round 3 day 2), when I submit a wrong code, it gives a score and everything properly. When I try submitting my correct (i mean, atleast what I think should be correct :P ) it just gives "Initial Tests:OK" in a green color as would usually appear for a 100 pnt solution, but it doesnt give the detailed list of in which testcases what happened, and most importantly, nor does it give a Score.
My Code and solution: click
Can we access the testcases for this problem somehow, or test it otherwise?
UPDATE: It now somehow works fine, (and I got AC, but had to change the code a bit, anyhow.) I am not sure behind the magic of this mystery but oh well.
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Why this blog has downvotes? He just asked for help.
That's quite peculiar. I have the same behaviour with your code on my account. I even modified your code to give wrong answer and there's still nothing. However when I tried wrong solution with simply "cout << 1" then it works and gives 0 points for systests. So maybe your code crashes the judge or makes some other illegal things