Here, i am ,standing for the newbie peoples in CP, Please make easier problems for us, So,that students don' give up on Competitive Programming, It is already a hard mind sport,students have to learn be better at this by solving more problems, but if codeforces can give them a little push ,so that they can gain more confidence solving these.
well, maybe you should do division 3 instead(in 5 days btw), or try atcoder beginner contest. Or maybe just practice more like everyone else, and eventually you will be able to solve them easily, which is much more meaningful. Besides, rating is just meaningless internet points for the most part.
Smh problems aren't supposed to be free. Just because some people can't solve them doesn't mean that we should make them easier. For specialists (and maybe some pupils) and above div2 A&B are easy to trivial. We don't need to make them any easier.
There are also div3 rounds in which the first two problems are rated less than 1000. Instead of asking everyone else to change, change yourself (i.e. get better at solving the problems we currently have).
Focus more on Div 3 and Div 4 in initial stages, that will help.
Making A difficult is generally a way for organisers to avoid long queues early on in the contest.
On a different note, you can gain much more confidence solving difficult problems than solving easier ones. :)