Hi, everyone !!
Me and my friend CoderAnshu from Competitive Programming group, COPS IIT BHU attempted to make video editorials for the past AtCoder Beginner Contest 187 https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc187.
So, do check it out : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DttheygNyk&list=PLLt4yMoVgczUrGGJk1XK6DdMlxNxtiX28&pbjreload=101
Do like the videos and subscribe the channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC01TZlNfu29QgG4FmUqVsdg.
we will be posting editorials for future contests too.
The videos are a mix of Hindi and English.
CoderAnshu has also written the user editorials for this contest, check them out too https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc187/editorial.
PS : CoderAnshu had 7th rank in the contest and also had made the first accepted submission for the problem F in just 5:49 minutes and had solved all the problems within 24 minutes.
Please do provide your valuable feedback to my attempt for editorial on atcoder.
This is the best club and the best series of tutorials with comprehensive explanations, better than all the youtube channels out there. PERIOD. (since its a coordinated effort by good programmers). kudos to the efforts you guys put in making the videos.