There are many reasons that people do cp here: 1. They are preparing for olympiads 2. They are training for some job interview 3. They become satisfied by becoming a GM, LGM, rank 1 competitor, etc… 4. they just enjoy solving problems because its fun and still do it even if they don't rank up or make money out of it! 5. Some other reason. I was wondering if anyone fits in the fourth category, so if you do please tell me in the comments!
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I am all of the above.
For example, if you at the same time enjoy ranking up and solving problems, doesn’t mean you fit in the fourth one. You are only of the fourth type if you don’t care about ranking, and if you by any chance will never be able to rank up, you still keep doing cp.
5.They wan't to have better rating than his friends(I don't have any :'( ).
I am in the fifth category. I solve problems to alleviate my gaming addiction.
ruban fits in the fourth category
Almost 75-80% Indians follow option 2 lol!
Stop this racist sheat!
5: how can you live without cp?
I guess, I am in that 4th category, But I am trying to improve my problem solving skill as well.
Solving problems are fun at least for me.
Although I use Codeforces for olympiad preparing, I am now increasingly in the fourth category. I hope I'll have time for CP long after I've finished high school and university.
My reason — When I was bored I used to start doing addictive things like playing games, watching series, etc.. The problem is I wasn't able to focus on important things. So, I started to do CP when I'm free and it worked. No boredom and no distractions.
Thanks for the advice!
Get a cp GF
I did CP 14 years ago for reason 1, preparing for olympiads. Then I did nothing. Then i came back, just out of curiosity, and discovered that this is hella fun! So I guess I'm in group 4 right now.
Maybe tendencies to group 3, being master for 2 weeks felt good. :P
Damn, how old are u and what did even exist 14 yrs ago? I assume cf/atcoder/cc didnt exist back then
The binary representation of my age only involves $$$1$$$ s. :)
USACO did exist back then. IOI, CEOI, BOI existed. National competitions existed in germany. (And also several math olympiads.)
is it 31?
no 15
I'm absolutely in group 1, and maybe also in group 3 because you cannot be dissatisfied to become a CM after struggling in expert for nearly 2 months :)
Quoted 2 months as if its 3883838 years.I have been strugling in expert whole my life :/
I think its very hard to do cp without having fun solving problems. Too much of a time investment for reasons 1 and 3
I do CP when I am not smoking pot, or maybe sometimes along, but it's really fun! and I love it.
5 . Just like you hit the gym for training your muscles, CP is more like the same thing except it is for the brain. Unlike any other form of training your problem-solving skills, CP has more advantages over others that you have covered in points (1, 2, 3, 4.. and others mentioned in the comments just like this one). And obviously enjoying solving problems, otherwise, there's no point doing it.
Did for job.Got job Now i am just realxing and netflix.I have to join company in 2 months.
My reason is that to code a better game with better algorihms, to competitive with my friend, and it is fun. But the first motivative is to keep promise with my bestfriend who gave me this nickname.
me !? :D
3 and 4. Hoping for a lucky contest to get to CM
I used to prepare for olympiads when I was in school. Now I am in a college with pretty much zero CP culture (hence no ICPC or such stuff), and I'm quite happy with it. Also realized a while back I'd pretty much never reach orange perhaps, let alone red. So, I do CP just for the sake of having fun, and given my current level, I'm for sure not a contest winner or anything around that spectrum. The pure adrenaline rush which CP contests give me (more so in the CF 2 hr format), along with the joy of getting an AC, and a better rank than what I expect for myself (which is sometimes pretty low), is all that makes me do CP now. :)
I think fourth category is the reason why most of us do CP.
1 3 4 5
Well, I do cp bcoz I dont have anything better to do.
Preparing for ICPC
I think I am in category 4. Read this .