Hello Codeforces,
Hope everyone is doing well! Actually, in my college and peers, almost nobody is doing (or did) CP.. and that is the reason why I can't do beautiful discussions on problems and things like peer pressure and all those things don't happen with me... I think doing CP with peers is way more fun and way better than doing it alone (at least a discussion must be there).
If you're up, to do CP with me kindly comment down and if you agree, please upvote...
At start, our schedule might be:
Two Div2 contests daily (virtual or live).. and solving problems at least till C. Or We can also do like 3 contests daily and upsolving problems till C the next day (We can adjust the schedule accordingly).
Wish you everyone, more ratings and learning....
UPD: On public demand, I have created a whatsapp group for the same... Enjoy! Join Now
Forget peer programming, is anyone up for beer programming?
That was ultra smooth..cheers
abhishek_kira host the party in Uttar Pradesh of lassi with beer,I am surely coming in flight from Bangladesh
I m sure those 2 will not go well for sure
I'm sending you the tickets... Let's meet in India and do some beer programming and stuff.. ;)
bear programming?
yes bears, pandas and little bit of pussy cats ;)
not Mr red here,
but just wanted to tell you that you are practicing really hard! Just keep doing that and you'll become a pupil real soon :)
idk about that..
all i do is fear programming.
could any one help me with some LIS(dp) pair vector problem , the statement we got array a of {wieghts, IQ} of elephants, we want max subset of the seq (**print seq** too) that validate w(a[i]) < w[a[i+1]) and IQ(a[i]) > IQ(a[i+1]). could any one solve it in O(n log(n))n any idea ?
As far as I know the only solutions I know are using 2d segment trees or divide and conquer with a fenwick tree or segment tree
Both of which are quite advanced I feel (relative to your rating)
Edit: I just realized I'm not sure if you're allowed to reorder the elephants, if you are allowed to then its just a standard LIS problem
Any discord server for peer programming ? Like is there any server with the option to pair up with others and train together?
There's many,
Errichto: https://discord.gg/KfHwmQWQ9r
Priyansh: https://discord.gg/V6eN75Xfbs
Galen: https://discord.gg/z7rEm2F8qj
Nor: https://discord.gg/r9KAP7hRbY
, not so active): https://discord.gg/XH5p3wjDCG
Do you mind if I join too? Thanks :)