Блог пользователя fraudsters_killer

Автор fraudsters_killer, 4 года назад, По-английски

This is a reply for my previous blog which is here https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/76976 , it is good that striver_79 has apologised and to all people who were telling that I am making false allegations just go through my blog again and tell me what is wrong ??? which allegation is wrong ??

I am not from Scalar and the blog exposing the Scalar was already out. So I decided to expose some other guys who were monetizing free stuffs . Therefore I chose GeeksForGeeks first, I have also made plans to expose other people as well next one will be Coding Blocks ( for their useless overpriced course and their similar scheme like Scalar) and then Coding Ninjas (They are also crap and try to sell education).

I read some comments and even the comment of the accused and at first decided not to reply and waste my another 10 minutes but I want to convey an important message. Everything said in this blog is 100% true, none of the fact will become false even all the students from Jalpaiguri College will downvote it.

Next thing I do not belong to Scaler or any other kind of fraud , I am against the monetization of resources which are free, I was shocked to know that striver_79 was not even paid properly for making this course, Shame on GeeksForGeeks ,

I urge striver_79 to talk to their team about this because they are using his name to promote course. It will be great if the price of the course will be reduced as well. striver_79 has admitted that he has cheated and will not cheat again. It is good that he is not doing it again but except him all his juniors are still doing cheating and are shame to their college and our nation. Their college has around 5 or 6 , 6* coder on CodeChef and many are Expert on CodeForces but still their college students are unable to get even under 50 in ICPC regionals. So if you are not from Jalpaiguri College go and follow some people from this college and check there latest submission except striver_79 and asipu everyone still is involved in Cheating, and if you are from Jalpaiguri College and you are here to downvote my post then think who is responsible for this post (Downvoting my post won't make you honest and your copied solutions are still in the system and any another day someone else will point at you all !! ) ?? Why you are giving anyone the reason to point at you ?? Also it is sad that striver_79 parents were threat but whatever he has done to Scalar is really appreciable , Thanks to striver_79 for that. It will be great if you can ask GFG to reduce or make that course free and also guide your juniors not to cheat because I have lost hope in MikeMirzayanov that he will ever act against. Anyways have a good day and stay safe

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Автор fraudsters_killer, 4 года назад, По-английски

Hello Community, Hope you all are safe and well. This blog is not about Cheating but about a more serious issue where some fake Coders who have earned rating by Plagiarism and Cheating target beginners and sell there Courses on unbelievably high price. One of the fraud was caught few days back, I will be busting other one today.
Recently Karan Gujjar was caught here who called himself as one of the best coders of India and also advertised himself a lot. He then used his popularity and fake reputation to do fraud and started selling useless Courses for around 1500-2000 bucks.

Now I am noticing a bigger fraud from few days who is selling his course for around 12000 Rs (Indian Currency) . He has also build his fake reputation due to his high ratings on CodeChef and Codeforces. This blog is not about cheating as catching Cheaters is responsibility of the Site on which contest is currently running but Since apart from Ratings this guy does not have any achievement in Competitive Programming therefore I will have to post his plagiarized submissions from both CodeChef and Codeforces. Link to his course https://practice.geeksforgeeks.org/courses/competitive-programming-live

The guy is striver_79 , he is currently selling his Competitive Programming course for around 12000 Rs but lets first see about what he has achieved in Competitive Programming. So here are his achievements he is Expert on Codeforces , 6 star on CodeChef , participated in 250 contests ( What the hell is that even an achievement ?? ) . Ranked under 100 in India ( ?? ) . The only credible source where he can't cheat is ICPC Regionals so he has not mentioned any stats of ICPC Regionals (Rank ??) (just mentioned that he has participated in it). Ranked 13 in TCS CodeVita (a 6 hour long useless contest where Code Copying Sharing is done on a very large Scale). So the only achievement which we can see is Expert on Codeforces and 6* on CodeChef so lets focus on that.

On Codeforces, this guys participates with many people and then they share there code with each other and make minor changes. It will be very hard for me to post all there Copied submissions therefore I will be posting few submissions only.

Here are some of his submissions:

asipu_pawan : https://codeforces.net/contest/946/submission/36016955

striver_79 : https://codeforces.net/contest/946/submission/36012545 (Even comments are unchanged.)

asipu_pawan : https://codeforces.net/contest/1038/submission/42587818

striver_79 : https://codeforces.net/contest/1038/submission/42586034

Novice : https://codeforces.net/contest/1058/submission/43327558

striver_79 : https://codeforces.net/contest/1058/submission/43317180

There are countless submissions which are same and not only 1-2 guys are there it seems his whole college solves the problems together and then share there code.

Now lets turn to CodeChef, Go to his profile https://www.codechef.com/users/striver_79 and you can easily find that his rating rises only in Long Challenges ( LOL ) . There in short contest he fails miserably and his rating has always fallen (because there he cannot cheat in Short Contest otherwise he will lose all his rating due to MOSS). So he keeps using only Long Challenges to gain his rating. In long challenge he utilize the 10 days time to arrange and change code and beat MOSS, so it will be very hard to detect plagiarism there.

Another User: https://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/21036982

striver_79: https://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/20545722

Very much similar but unfortunately they beat the MOSS.

Since this blog is not about Cheating but about busting the fraudulent activities therefore I will not do much investigation as I think this much proof is enough to open the eyes of beginners who are falling in Trap of these fraudsters. There are countless free resources available online and also there many red coders who are also YouTubers like Errichto , tmwilliamlin168 and our bro Um_nik who make a lot of good videos.

Thank You and Stay Safe

PS: I read some comments and even the comment of the accused and at first decided not to reply and waste my another 10 minutes but I want to convey an important message. Everything said in this blog is 100% true, none of the fact will become false even all the students from Jalpaiguri College will downvote it. Next thing I do not belong to Scaler or any other kind of fraud , I am against the monetization of resources which are free, I was shocked to know that striver_79 was not even paid properly for making this course shame on GeeksForGeeks , I urge striver_79 to talk to their team about this because they are using his name to promote course. It will be great if the price of the course will be reduced as well. striver_79 has admitted that he has cheated and will not cheat again. It is good that he is not doing it again but except him all his juniors are still doing cheating and are shame to their college and our nation. Their college has around 5 or 6 , 6* coder on CodeChef and many are Expert on CodeForces but still their college students are unable to get even under 50 in ICPC regionals. So if you are not from Jalpaiguri College go and follow some people from this college and check there latest submission except striver_79 and asipu everyone still is involved in Cheating, and if you are from Jalpaiguri College and you are here to downvote my post then think who is responsible for this post (Downvoting my post won't make you honest and your copied solutions are still in the system and any another day someone else will point at you all !! ) ?? Why you are giving anyone the reason to point at you ?? Also it is sad that striver_79 parents were threat but whatever he has done to Scalar is really appreciable , Thanks to striver_79 for that. It will be great if you can ask GFG to reduce or make that course free and also guide your juniors not to cheat because I have lost hope in MikeMirzayanov that he will ever act against. Anyways have a good day and stay safe !!!*

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