gyeaeda's blog

By gyeaeda, history, 5 years ago, In English

Please suggest me something, I am totally depressed Please don't make fun of this, I am serious.

I am totally depressed, I even can't solve easy problems, I am practicing since 2 years still newbie ( on original account ) please suggest me, should I quit CP ?.

I can't concentrate on my daily task due to this depression what should I do?

Please give me some tips/tricks so that I will try to get out of it !


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By gyeaeda, history, 5 years ago, In English
  • As We All Know that Codechef isn't have any functionality to change username, or it doesn't allow to change username unlike codeforces allow during christmas.
  • sometime we don't like our username or just want it better and meanwhile don't want to loose submissions and ratings also, I think CodeChef_admin should think over these feature, atleast they should allow to change username once after registering.
  • Many people are facing issues with codechef regarding contests, replies or else and along with this point should be considered.

Thanks for Ignorance CodeChef_admin This proves all.

Thank You.

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