hosseinmp's blog

By hosseinmp, history, 8 years ago, In English

Hi I solved the question but get time limit many times.

so I saw my friends code and it was the same some so I copied his code to test and I saw the I get time limit again

here is his submit

his code that I submit

Can anyone help me?

I change that *** compiler and it get accepted


Why gnu g++ and gnu g++11 does nit work and gnu g++14 works.

I think codeforces should change time limit for these compilers

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By hosseinmp, history, 8 years ago, In English

the beta sign is still after codeforces sign in the upper left corner of site. but why?

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By hosseinmp, history, 10 years ago, In English

Hi every one. I want to manage a contest and I have prepared the problems but I do not know what should I do know? Can any one help me?

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