Hello everyone,
Computer Club, MNNIT Allahabad invites you to the annual programming competition of MNNIT Allahabad, India, which is an ACM-ICPC style team programming contest of 3 hours duration held during its annual technical fest Avishkar.
Contest Date : 4th September 2016
Time : 2130 to 0030 IST
Programming Partner : Codechef
Contest Link
We have tried our best to make the problem set interesting for everyone.
For online round, top two teams will be getting Codechef goodies.
For onsite round, prizes worth Rs. 15000/- to be won.
Top 20 global teams will be called for the onsite round to be held at MNNIT Allahabad itself.
Problem Setters: meintoo, iamscrew, pakhandi, vippu95, vikky_codder, aaijmrt, Abhedyam and mmaks.
Please follow our facebook event page for further notifications.
Good luck to everyone, and I hope to see you at the contest :)
UPD:- Contest starts in 4:30 hours. We hope to see you all. All the best!
UPD2:- The contest has ended. Congratulations to the winners.
Team beet_burger- Nerevar, Vercingetorix, --Pavel--
UPD3:- You can view the ranklist here
We hope everyone enjoyed the contest. Editorials will be published soon.