rainbowtable's blog

By rainbowtable, history, 14 months ago, In English

Recently, Codeforces removed older versions of some languages, such as Kotlin 1.6, Java 11, and Java 17, leading to the exclusion of submissions made in these languages.

If someone using Kotlin/Java solves an old problem, they can no longer view the accepted solutions in the removed version of that language in the status tab, as there is no option to select that specific version of Java/Kotlin. For more challenging problems, there were 5-10 submissions in each version, and now these submissions are no longer visible. It is humanly impossible to see the submission language of each participant in the standings and find people who solved the problem using that version of language.

e.g If someone is unable to solve any problem in kotlin he would be unable to see the accepted solutions in kotlin 1.6 and majority of the submissions were in this version itself.

Is there any way for me to view all Java 11/17 accepted submissions for a problem of a past contest?

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By rainbowtable, history, 17 months ago, In English

Now , we can sumbit in java 21 on codeforces and the most charming feature of java 21 is now we don't need to write public static

before java 21

public class Main{
	public static void main(String[] args){

java 21

void main(){

but on codeforces , I am unable to compile this code and getting this error

Source should satisfy regex [^{}]*public\s+(final)?\s*class\s+(\w+).*

This is working fine locally but not on codeforces please fix it MikeMirzayanov

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