shipdestroyer91123's blog

By shipdestroyer91123, history, 11 hours ago, In English

Nasarallah is trapped in a hostile labyrinth guarded by robots. The labyrinth is represented as an N x M grid, where:

Empty Cells (.) represent areas Nasarallah can walk through. Walls (#) block movement. Guards (G) patrol specific paths. Escape Portals (E) teleport Nasarallah to another pre-defined portal. Nasarallah starts at a specific cell S and must reach a target cell T. However, the guards make the labyrinth dangerous, and portals introduce complexity.


Nasarallah can move up, down, left, or right. Guards patrol in predefined loops (specified in input). If Nasarallah enters a cell at the same moment a guard is present, he is caught. Portals teleport Nasarallah instantly but may have limited uses (e.g., at most K times per portal). Energy Constraint: Each move consumes energy, and Nasarallah only has a limited amount E. Input Format:

N, M: Dimensions of the labyrinth. S_x, S_y: Starting coordinates. T_x, T_y: Target coordinates. P: Number of portals. For each portal, P_x, P_y, Q_x, Q_y, K (portal at (P_x, P_y) leads to (Q_x, Q_y) and can be used K times). G: Number of guards. For each guard, G_x, G_y: Initial position and L: Length of patrol loop. L integers describing movement directions (U, D, L, R). Labyrinth layout: N strings of length M, consisting of '.', '#', 'S', 'T', 'E', 'G'. Output: Print the minimum energy required for Nasarallah to escape. If escape is impossible, print -1.


2 <= N, M <= 1000 1 <= P, G <= 100 1 <= E <= 10^6

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