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Can I solve the problems in any language or only kotlin?

To me too please

If you get info. then please forward me the same.

Why can't we view the solutions of other participants???

Is it possible to continue submitting code to practise round? It shows contest is over.

Are the raffles selected yet? Or will only the winners know?


I definitely needed more time learning types and Kotlin syntax but I will say using the IntelliJ IDE made this contest feel very fun and refreshing. Very cool problems too, even though I didn't get to solve the harder ones, I liked the problems I was reading.


It was fun trying out Kotlin, got mixed up with types a lot. I had this problem where I did a for loop and compared i to a long value inside, so it autoconverted i to long and then all of my array indexing with i threw errors, I was so confused for a good bit lol

I forgot about that shirt. But hopefully I'll still get it.


This was my first time trying Kotlin and participating in the Kotlin Heroes contest. It was a great experience, and I enjoyed it so much! I'm looking forward to joining future contests and improving my skills in Kotlin.

Here are the resources I used to learn Kotlin:

  1. Kotlin Tour

  2. Kotlin Koans

  3. Kotlin for Competitive Programming

Thanks for the awesome contest and the great problems!

After the entire contest, I realized there is only one sheep in problem D LOL :(


lol everyone will open I first


It's possible now

ah thanks!


Thank you for participation! We hope you enjoyed the problems.

The current version of the editorial (no problem I, some other problems might be unpolished) is available here.

Also, these are our model solutions to the problems:



Thanks for the answer! I wanted to make an empty list, and the compiler was complaining about type inference.

Hell, forgot about this Java shit with strings. Thanks a lot!

You can but there is not much reason to I think. Kotlin data structures are more convenient, e.g.:

    val xs = listOf(1, 2, 3)
    val mxs = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3)
    val kotlin_map = mapOf('A' to 1, 'B' to 2)

Since you have immutable data structures you can also do reliable hashing, etc.

Will it be possible to submit solutions after the contest?


It's quadratic: String+Char creates a new string. Use StringBuilder instead.


Why I can't see solutions submitted by other contestants after contest? No open-hacking phase? No tutorial?


Thats just me every time I go close to something like java.

I'm curious why my O(N) solution to E is getting TL. Is there something particularly slow in Kotlin among the things I'm doing?


problem G is really funny troll problem, made my day lol

It's from 3 years ago, probably lost already?

Is it normal to use java ArrayList over the Kotlin native List?

Not very familiar with Kotlin... was just using what ever compiles.

much appreciated as i struggled in the beginning myself!


if you search for an online IDE this works well.

I struggled a lot for finding a working website at the beginning of the contest. so here you go for the future contests.


thanks to everyone involved for helping me realize how superior c++ is

+1 Can I know when I'll get my t-shirt?


This contest is not rated, But If you can solve at least one problem, you'll have a chance to win a t-shirt


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is it rated?

Just go through the docs or general syntax , from official website or w3 schools .

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