Hello everyone!
The second round of MemSQL Start[c]UP 3.0 will take place this Saturday, September 30, at 10:05am US/Pacific.
There will be an onsite round at MemSQL HQ and parallel online rounds that will be open for div1 and div2 participants. The online finalists (placed in top 500 in Round 1) will be given 100 MemSQL Start[c]UP T-shirts.
The onsite contestants will be participating from MemSQL HQ using their personal laptops. Breakfast will be served starting at 8:30 am, contest starts at 10:05 am and lunch will be served after the contest. The three winners of the onsite round will be awarded Amazon gift cards for $1000, $500 and $250. Please come early to set everything up.
Here is the list of people who agreed to participate: aandrew, al13n, ToTLeS, architkarandikar, Belonogov, BIT-silence, chenmark, farmersrice, Lewin, LiChenKoh, _M_, NgocHai, dkxdjy, Jatana, SaveVMK, scott_wu, sdya, SnapDragon, winger, Aviously, xiaowuc1, yum, yzyz.
If you haven't accepted the invitation yet or you think that we missed you, please message MikeMirzayanov or cerealguy.
We will update this post with more contest details later.
Good luck!
UPD: For onsite finalists: you are already registered for the corresponding round. You don't need to register anywhere else. For everybody else: choose the corresponding division round. All rounds will be rated for everybody, and we'll make special standings for the official participants of Round 2 (who placed in top 500 in Round 1).
UPD2: All online finalists will be registered in Div. 1 round automatically.
UPD3: Huge thanks to round testers: ashmelev, Errichto, cyand1317, vintage_Vlad_Makeev!
UPD4: You will be able to see results of offsite finalists using this link.
Congratulations to winners!
Onsite finalists:
- scott_wu — $1000 Amazon gift card!
- Belonogov — $500 Amazon gift card!
- xiaowuc1 — $250 Amazon gift card!
- LiChenKoh
- sdya
Other finalists and div. 1:
Div. 2: