Problem 99999433 - Japhshan and Ramshut
Contest status
# When Who Problem Lang Verdict Time Memory
113869581 Apr/22/2021 13:03 107th 433 - Japhshan and Ramshut C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 46 ms 16500 KB
52001036 Mar/30/2019 09:14 ajira 433 - Japhshan and Ramshut C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 452 ms 300 KB
71186917 Feb/16/2020 01:12 244mhq 433 - Japhshan and Ramshut C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 300 KB
39440189 Jun/20/2018 18:35 noxe 433 - Japhshan and Ramshut GNU C++11 Accepted 530 ms 500 KB
55828342 Jun/20/2019 14:57 yedu154 433 - Japhshan and Ramshut GNU C++11 Accepted 31 ms 2900 KB
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