Hi everyone!
Previously, I had a blog on how, given $$$s$$$ and a polynomial $$$f(x)$$$, to compute coefficients of the polynomial $$$f(x+s)$$$.
Today we do it in values space. Consider the problem Library Judge — Shift of Sampling Points of Polynomial. In this problem, you're given $$$s$$$ and the values $$$f(0), f(1), \dots, f(n)$$$ of a polynomial of degree at most $$$n$$$ and you need to find $$$f(s), f(s+1), \dots, f(s+n)$$$.
In particular, I used this to generate test cases for 1817C - Подобные многочлены, there might be other applications too.
General linear recurrence shift
If you have further questions about something here, please refer to this blog
Let's, for a moment, consider even more generic problem now. Let $$$f_0, f_1, \dots$$$ be a linear recurrence, such that
Given $$$s$$$ and $$$f_0, \dots, f_n$$$, we need to find $$$f_s, \dots, f_{s+n}$$$. The problem generalizes that of finding specific value $$$f_s$$$.
Generally, we can say that $$$f_s, \dots, f_{s+n}$$$ are the coefficients near $$$x^0, x^{-1}, \dots, x^{-n}$$$ of $$$x^s g(x^{-1})$$$, where
is the generating function of $$$f_k$$$. On the other hand, $$$g(x) = \frac{p(x)}{q(x)}$$$, where
and $$$p(x)$$$ is a polynomial of degree at most $$$n$$$. Let
then $$$D(x) g(x^{-1}) = x^{n+1} p(x^{-1})$$$ only has positive powers of $$$x$$$ if $$$D(x)$$$ is divisible by $$$A(x)$$$. Thus, the coefficients near non-positive powers of $$$x^s g(x^{-1})$$$ will not change if we replace $$$x^s$$$ by its remainder modulo $$$A(x)$$$. So, we need coefficients near $$$x^0, x^{-1}, \dots, x^{-n}$$$ of the product $$$R(x) g(x^{-1})$$$, where $$$R(x) \equiv x^s \pmod{A}$$$. Note that only first $$$2n$$$ coefficients of $$$g(x)$$$ affect the result, hence the whole problem may be solved in $$$O(n \log n \log s)$$$ for finding $$$R(x)$$$ and then $$$O(n \log n)$$$ to find $$$f_s, \dots, f_{s+n}$$$.
Shift in polynomials
In polynomials, it is possible to implement the solution above in $$$O(n \log n)$$$ instead of $$$O(n \log n \log s)$$$. For this we should note that $$$f(0), f(1), \dots$$$ also form a linear recurrence with a very specific characteristic polynomial $$$q(x) = (1-x)^{n+1}$$$. Thus,
can be transformed via substitution $$$x = t+1$$$ into
The identity above allows us to find
from which we can obtain the final result by substituting $$$t=x-1$$$ back
which can then be computed as a regular Taylor shift by $$$-1$$$ of $$$R(t+1)$$$ in $$$O(n \log n)$$$.
You can also refer to my solution on the Library Judge.
UPD: It was brought to my attention that $$$R(x)$$$ can be computed in linear time, as
Then, using $$$\binom{n}{r} = \binom{n-1}{r-1} + \binom{n-1}{r}$$$, we transform the later sum into a telescopic one:
Thus, the full expression for $$$R(x)$$$ is
Questions to audience
- Is there a simpler solution here, preferably without heavy low-level work with coefficients...
Is it possible to compute $$$R(x)$$$ directly, rather than as a Taylor shift?- Are there other viable applications to doing this?